At my school, 15% of the girls are knocked up. At the Junior High, 20% of the girls are knocked up. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!!!??!!Why are there so many teenage girls getting pregnant?
It is a fact that 90% of teenage girls want to get pregnant.Why are there so many teenage girls getting pregnant?
Because they are taught just not to do it with ';abstinence only'; education.
Read some of the questions here from teenagers. They have NO IDEA about contraceptives. They believe what they ';hear'; from their friends.
Actually, the policy put into effect by the Bush administration is that public schools lost their funding if they taught about contraceptives.
So for the last 8 years, we have been teaching abstinence only sex education. And the teen pregnancy rate has risen for the first time in 15 years.
Abstinence only education does not work. Teenagers have sex. They need to know about contraceptives.
I read something somewhere that teaching abstinence only is like teaching kids to NEVER cross the street and then expecting them to know to look both ways ';somehow';. If we don't teach them, they don't know. It's as simple as that.
I honestly think that girls are just not told what the consequences of having unprotected sex are. As you can see from lots of posts on here, many guys and girls don't even know what it takes to get pregnant. They're asking questions like, ';Can dry humping with my boyfriend with only underwear make me get pregnant';. WTF? I think parents need to sit down with their children and have a serious talk. I have a little girl and dread having to have that discussion with her, but I want her to know the facts. I really want her to wait, but I do want her to know that if she wants to have sex, there are safe ways to do it.
It's because they teach safe sex and hand out condoms in schools now. Back when they DIDN'T teach safe sex the pregnancy and STD rates were actually lower. Oh...and the media almost glorifies teen parents. When you teach kids it's okay to have sex all the time it starts a snowball effect. Sure most of them start out using condoms. But then they get lazy and once turns into several times. Several times turns into either an STD or a baby. I know of a girl who this happened to except she ended up with HIV. Her and her family were all for teaching safe sex...until safe sex turned into unsafe sex. She now regrets ever having sex in the first place. Had she waited until she was married she wouldn't be dying of AIDS now and leaving a little boy here.
As old fashioned as it sounds there is a reason that people wait until they're married. Does that make you cool in high school? Maybe, maybe not. But one thing you won't have is an STD and a handful of regrets about having meaningless sex with several partners.
Think before you act, it very well could save your life.
I dont know the american school system, so i dont know how old these girls are your talking about, but i'm guessing between 14 and 17?
I do think that pregnancy below the age of 16 is shocking, obviously its always gonna happen and no one can stop it happening no matter how hard you try, how clued up about sex and pregnancy and contraception the kids are and how strict their parents are. Its still gonna happen. But i do have a kind of moral, if thats what it could be called? In UK the legal age for sex is 16. So if they say yes, your 16 now you can have sex, why are they surprised or upset at the number or 16 17 18 19 yearolds who are pregnant? If the legal age of sex is 16, so is the legal age of a mother technically. So if the government dont like it, they should change it.
I personally support teenage pregnancy IF it was an accident, getting pregnant when your still in school on purpose is STUPID, completley irrisponsible, selfish thing to do. But if its an accident, they girls should be supported for bracing their mistakes and trying to do the best they possibly can do and be the best mothers and fathers they can be. Its not easy on them, they will lose out on so much, they'll not be able to be a kid anymore, and all their time and every single penny will go on that baby, but they already know that, and i commend them for bracing it, because i swear that i know some teenage mothers that are 50000 times better than some 20, 30 and 40 year old mothers.
Im a teenager, but i wouldnt really class myself as one, i feel much older, way more mature than that, and often people dont even think im any younger than 25 hrough the way i act and look.
My sister is 27, and she had a daughter named Hallie, who was not planned and she was to be a single mother. She decided she wanted her job more than her baby, and actually sometimes left a 4 month old Hallie in the house on her own for up to 3 or 4 hours just soshe could work, completley ignored her and everything. I was newly 18 at the time i took Hallie in, i was living with my boyfriend, now fiance, in our 1 bedroomed flat and i quit my job to look after her fulltime, with her mother moving down to london through the week and just coming to see hallie and take her to her home on weekends, not a good life for Hallie.
When hallie was 7 months old i ended up looking after her full time, and my sister didnt come back to pick her up.
Im now 19, and Hallie is nearly 1 and a half. Shes still living with us full time, and we are in the process of adopting her as our own. I have also in that time went through my first pregnancy and given birth 6 days ago to baby Willow, Hallies little sister.
So if anyone says a teen cant handle beign a parent. I'll assure you they can, and sometimes, they do a hell of a better job than older parents. Especially better than my 27 year old stupid sister, who has now permanantly moved to Paris, France.
If you read all that, your amazing haha.
And maybe, instead ofcoming on the internet to basically grief these girls and also evidently the boys, maybe you could try giving them a bit of support or even just a person to chat to. Because i can bet you they'll get seriously lonely in the upcoming months when people start going places without them coz they dont want to 'drag alongn the preggo'.
theyre emotionally disturbed and they are immature.along with the hype of having babies so young...they only see the good stuff from it.if they only knew what parenting and all the stuff actually involved for
18 + years every single day,every waking minute of thier lives..maybe theyd think's called uneducated. they should make a mommy camp for kids that they go to for a month.and have to deal with reality.let them learn from it,before they decide to make a bad choice.
Its a normal thing for a girl to want to have a baby, yes at that age too. Quite often the 'urge' comes on and people just follow the urge.
Atypically girls start getting the 'urge' at a young age, if they have strong role models, those urges slip past unnoticed.
It's clearly because they aren't waiting until they're married to have sex.
And it's almost like they forget... sex= possible pregnancy
Plus, some of them think that condoms work 100% of the time, which they don't. Especially if they're old or kept in a glove compartment or wallet.
And I'm sure that they think that ';pulling out'; prevents pregnancy... which it definitely does not.
because they forget that unprotected sex causes pregnancy. for some reason they believe that they wont get pregnant. and most think that the pull out method will protect them from pregnancy. and they are too young to understand the consequences of sex.
Because they are irresponsible children who just want to get off and then end up getting pregnant and pawning their child, their responsibility, off on their parents. And their parents are stupid enough to take on their kid's responsibility!
these days everyone wants to look cool and being a teenage mother makes them think than now that there not all innocent guys will like them more. but also now a days there are lots of teenagers getting rapped at clubs and all around.
It's just the fruits of the women's liberation. Very liberating, eh?
bad parenting....slutty girls
Its the new trend, didn't you know. I don't know. Maybe because they are just selfish.
its all they see on tv and parents are to laxed these days. Need better guidance.
people must forget what a CONDOM is!?!?!
ok for one who are you too judge my friends all have children from ages18-21 and they are fantastic mothers who love their children so before u go and judge maybe you should think hey maybe just maybe some of them are different not as immature as i think they are im 18 yrs old and me and my partner have been together for 3 yrs and we have been ttc and i have already raised my little brother from when he was a newborn so i believe i would make a great dont judge until you do know WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON !!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
What are the symptoms of teenage pregnancy?
im 15, and i believe im pregnant.. are symptoms different in teenagers then in older women ?What are the symptoms of teenage pregnancy?
Everyone is different when it comes to pregnancy and their symptoms differ.
But, all women, regardless of age, have the same general characteristics.
Good luck?What are the symptoms of teenage pregnancy?
LOL. I think they are the same across the board.
Actually there are a few..
being a teenager (13-19 years old).
feeling guilty about having sex ';just once'; and thinking that the 'pull out method' should have worked.
-inadequate sexual education.
-your are scared to tell your parents. but then again its probably their lack of parenting that led to this in the first place, so what is there to be scared of. just tell them.
-spelling the word pregnet or pregnate (at least you got this one right).
Same as any other pregnancy.
Just because you're a teen, doesn't mean you should post in the teen section. Most teens are not/have not been pregnant; thus, they don't know/care. Please ask in the pregnancy section, where you'll likely get *much* better answers.
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the same as old people pregnancy
missed period
swelling/tenderness of breasts
more time in the bathroom
more hungry
The same.
Swelled feet, nausea, gaining weight, heightened sense of smell, exhaustion, frequent urination, spotting, back aches, etc.
the same as any other pregnancy. which is very similar to your period. nausea cramps light bleeding of implantation
Nope, the same as any other woman. Except usually more exclamation points in the questions on the topic.
Nope they are all the same no matter what age you are. But it depends on the individual not the age
throwing up, feeling hot and sweaty all the time, cramps, bump sticking out where ur belly is supposed to be.
Morning sickness, cravings, no period.
If you're worried about it, take a test.
Same as for woman. Good luck!
its basically the same.. try to use pregnancy test to find out
no there not different there the same. get a test done
they are the same kinds of symptoms
ok lol well the symptoms are getting fat and no period doesnt that make u want to keep your pants on
Everyone is different when it comes to pregnancy and their symptoms differ.
But, all women, regardless of age, have the same general characteristics.
Good luck?What are the symptoms of teenage pregnancy?
LOL. I think they are the same across the board.
Actually there are a few..
being a teenager (13-19 years old).
feeling guilty about having sex ';just once'; and thinking that the 'pull out method' should have worked.
-inadequate sexual education.
-your are scared to tell your parents. but then again its probably their lack of parenting that led to this in the first place, so what is there to be scared of. just tell them.
-spelling the word pregnet or pregnate (at least you got this one right).
Same as any other pregnancy.
Just because you're a teen, doesn't mean you should post in the teen section. Most teens are not/have not been pregnant; thus, they don't know/care. Please ask in the pregnancy section, where you'll likely get *much* better answers.
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the same as old people pregnancy
missed period
swelling/tenderness of breasts
more time in the bathroom
more hungry
The same.
Swelled feet, nausea, gaining weight, heightened sense of smell, exhaustion, frequent urination, spotting, back aches, etc.
the same as any other pregnancy. which is very similar to your period. nausea cramps light bleeding of implantation
Nope, the same as any other woman. Except usually more exclamation points in the questions on the topic.
Nope they are all the same no matter what age you are. But it depends on the individual not the age
throwing up, feeling hot and sweaty all the time, cramps, bump sticking out where ur belly is supposed to be.
Morning sickness, cravings, no period.
If you're worried about it, take a test.
Same as for woman. Good luck!
its basically the same.. try to use pregnancy test to find out
no there not different there the same. get a test done
they are the same kinds of symptoms
ok lol well the symptoms are getting fat and no period doesnt that make u want to keep your pants on
What is the most common teenage age to get pregnant?(I am looking for one specific answer)8{D?
I just really would like to know.8{DWhat is the most common teenage age to get pregnant?(I am looking for one specific answer)8{D?
i would say the most common age that teens are getting pregnant would be around 16 i happen to hear alot of 16 year olds saying im pregnant more so than othersWhat is the most common teenage age to get pregnant?(I am looking for one specific answer)8{D?
there's no specific age for a teen to get pregnant, it just happens.
I was 14 years old when I got pregnant but 4 months later I sadly miscarried.
so I would go with a guess here and say 15-16 years old
well most peoplele get pregnant after unprotected sex. There is no certian age. Just after the yeenager has had a period. That is just common sence. lol
There isnt only ONE answer. I would say the most commom is 16. However nowdays it happens to 13-19 yr olds.
From all the people i talk to and groups i help with i would say 15
i would say the most common age that teens are getting pregnant would be around 16 i happen to hear alot of 16 year olds saying im pregnant more so than othersWhat is the most common teenage age to get pregnant?(I am looking for one specific answer)8{D?
there's no specific age for a teen to get pregnant, it just happens.
I was 14 years old when I got pregnant but 4 months later I sadly miscarried.
so I would go with a guess here and say 15-16 years old
well most peoplele get pregnant after unprotected sex. There is no certian age. Just after the yeenager has had a period. That is just common sence. lol
There isnt only ONE answer. I would say the most commom is 16. However nowdays it happens to 13-19 yr olds.
From all the people i talk to and groups i help with i would say 15
Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?
I want to drink healthier drinks this summer and stay away from sodas.
My Mom has a brand new blender and its still in the box and I would love to use Thanks a bunches. I love strawberries btw :o)Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?鈥?/a>
google smoothie recipes!!Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?
Well as long as you use fruit it'll be healthier and tasty. You can mix it up by using yogurt, ice cream, or ice to give you different consistencies. Just mix and match with different fruits and it'll be great.
Good Luck!
puree a strawberry then add a scoop of strawberry/vanilla ice cream
you could make so many different smoothies. yum i want a strawberry banana smoothie now!makeup trends cosmetics makeup
My Mom has a brand new blender and its still in the box and I would love to use Thanks a bunches. I love strawberries btw :o)Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?鈥?/a>
google smoothie recipes!!Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?
Well as long as you use fruit it'll be healthier and tasty. You can mix it up by using yogurt, ice cream, or ice to give you different consistencies. Just mix and match with different fruits and it'll be great.
Good Luck!
puree a strawberry then add a scoop of strawberry/vanilla ice cream
you could make so many different smoothies. yum i want a strawberry banana smoothie now!
Is this depression or normal teenage stuff?
I think I might be depressed...But Im not sure. I feel a sense of pointlessness in everything I do, I self-harm, I just feel so alone, Ive thought about suicide more than once in the last month, its hard to explain I just feel no need for anything. What should I do? I was thinking of calling Childline but Im scared in case they think Im some stupid teenager....Im 14 btw.Is this depression or normal teenage stuff?
Calling Childline is probably a great idea. To me, that sounds like it could be depression, I'm not an expert though I have plenty of personal experience.
You're not alone, there are other people that go through this. 14 year olds can get depression. I think it's best to call Childline or talk to your gp or something - and the sooner the better. It sounds to me like you're in a bit of a dangerous place, with self harm and suicidal thoughts, along with the other feelings.
Don't keep it to yourself.Is this depression or normal teenage stuff?
You should congratulate yourself that you are in that age group (Adolescence) which has been named by the psychologists as the ';Golden years of Life';. It is also called as the years of ';Stress and Strain'; in which the individual is neither a child nor an adult and is often misunderstood.You are also going through this stage where all your efforts are not been rightly acknowledged, even by your parents also. Parents are also going through a stage which is also stressful i.e.';To be a parent of a Teenager';.They are also full of mixed feeling where they are also confused how to see you, either as a child or as an adult.
This phase is very crucial in everyone's life. This is not Depression. What you need to do is try to take up activities which are your hobbies, read story books which are for this age group in which you may identify yourself with certain characters in the story, teach someone who is in need, love and care your pet and see the reciprocation,etc.. As you had no right to come in this world, you also have no right to go from this world.This right is only with the Supreme Power ';THE ALMIGHTY';.Live life to the full because you have taken birth as a Human Being, the SUPERIOR birth, after going through the cycle of birth and death in 84 lakh lives.Enjoy it!
dont wait okay? feeling like that isnt normal. get help and get better okay. being your age isnt easy. it was 23 years ago for me but i remember it well. depression isnt something to play with.
dont even think about suicide. i am sure there are people who care about you and if you do that you arent killing you, you will kill them inside okay?
i've been through marriage, divorce, custody battle and many other trying times. this life aint gonna whip me, and it aint gonna whip you either okay? be strong, get help. help is out there okay?
i hope i have been able to help a little.
Please seek help!!! Talk with a friend or guidance councilor doctor or somebody in your church. For goodness sake do not ignore the problem. If nothing else call a help hotline. I went through my teenage years experiencing what you are talking about and thought it was normal. Not realizing how much of life I was missing because of this disease. Now that I am dealing with the issue instead of ignoring it life is better.
You should reach out for help especially since you're 14 and it's hard to tell at that age what is normal hormones, etc. messing with you and what's real depression or anxiety. Have you tried talking with your parents about this? If you haven't, please do. Let them know how you're feeling and if they're anything like I was when my 14 year old came to me for the same reasons, they will take you to a doctor where you can get some help or even just talk. Sometimes being able to vent about stuff can help alot too.
Consult a friend because all you need ios someone to pour all your feelings to. and when you do that, it will all be fine and it will feel good.
Calling Childline is probably a great idea. To me, that sounds like it could be depression, I'm not an expert though I have plenty of personal experience.
You're not alone, there are other people that go through this. 14 year olds can get depression. I think it's best to call Childline or talk to your gp or something - and the sooner the better. It sounds to me like you're in a bit of a dangerous place, with self harm and suicidal thoughts, along with the other feelings.
Don't keep it to yourself.Is this depression or normal teenage stuff?
You should congratulate yourself that you are in that age group (Adolescence) which has been named by the psychologists as the ';Golden years of Life';. It is also called as the years of ';Stress and Strain'; in which the individual is neither a child nor an adult and is often misunderstood.You are also going through this stage where all your efforts are not been rightly acknowledged, even by your parents also. Parents are also going through a stage which is also stressful i.e.';To be a parent of a Teenager';.They are also full of mixed feeling where they are also confused how to see you, either as a child or as an adult.
This phase is very crucial in everyone's life. This is not Depression. What you need to do is try to take up activities which are your hobbies, read story books which are for this age group in which you may identify yourself with certain characters in the story, teach someone who is in need, love and care your pet and see the reciprocation,etc.. As you had no right to come in this world, you also have no right to go from this world.This right is only with the Supreme Power ';THE ALMIGHTY';.Live life to the full because you have taken birth as a Human Being, the SUPERIOR birth, after going through the cycle of birth and death in 84 lakh lives.Enjoy it!
dont wait okay? feeling like that isnt normal. get help and get better okay. being your age isnt easy. it was 23 years ago for me but i remember it well. depression isnt something to play with.
dont even think about suicide. i am sure there are people who care about you and if you do that you arent killing you, you will kill them inside okay?
i've been through marriage, divorce, custody battle and many other trying times. this life aint gonna whip me, and it aint gonna whip you either okay? be strong, get help. help is out there okay?
i hope i have been able to help a little.
Please seek help!!! Talk with a friend or guidance councilor doctor or somebody in your church. For goodness sake do not ignore the problem. If nothing else call a help hotline. I went through my teenage years experiencing what you are talking about and thought it was normal. Not realizing how much of life I was missing because of this disease. Now that I am dealing with the issue instead of ignoring it life is better.
You should reach out for help especially since you're 14 and it's hard to tell at that age what is normal hormones, etc. messing with you and what's real depression or anxiety. Have you tried talking with your parents about this? If you haven't, please do. Let them know how you're feeling and if they're anything like I was when my 14 year old came to me for the same reasons, they will take you to a doctor where you can get some help or even just talk. Sometimes being able to vent about stuff can help alot too.
Consult a friend because all you need ios someone to pour all your feelings to. and when you do that, it will all be fine and it will feel good.
Where can me and my teenage friends hang out in winter as a group?
its pretty cold weather (not freezing but you know, too cold for beaches or parks obviously) we want to hang out as a big group and have like a group party gathering thing but we dont know where to have it and no ones parents would appreciate it being at their house. also we are all 15-16 so cannot get into pubs or anything but we dont wanna go to movies or shopping or anything we would prefer to just have a space to gather in where we can all talk and everything.
what can we do?Where can me and my teenage friends hang out in winter as a group?
The mall, maybe. You don't have to shop there. Lots of people just walk around and ';window shop';.. and talk (:
Or bowling, or go to an arcade.
An ice skating rink- I know it's cold, but it has to be warmer than outside, right?
Oh, and of course any rec or youth center. Like the YMCA.Where can me and my teenage friends hang out in winter as a group?
I hate that. The mall gets boring and so do movies. Try something like bowling, YMCA, find a recreational center, go to a church (even if you don't believe in religion, churches are very welcome to visitors), or look up some activities to join in. Some craft thing or a cooking class. It will keep you all together, you will have fun, and it will be warm :)
Have you tried bowling?
what can we do?Where can me and my teenage friends hang out in winter as a group?
The mall, maybe. You don't have to shop there. Lots of people just walk around and ';window shop';.. and talk (:
Or bowling, or go to an arcade.
An ice skating rink- I know it's cold, but it has to be warmer than outside, right?
Oh, and of course any rec or youth center. Like the YMCA.Where can me and my teenage friends hang out in winter as a group?
I hate that. The mall gets boring and so do movies. Try something like bowling, YMCA, find a recreational center, go to a church (even if you don't believe in religion, churches are very welcome to visitors), or look up some activities to join in. Some craft thing or a cooking class. It will keep you all together, you will have fun, and it will be warm :)
Have you tried bowling?
Have any ideas for a teenage birthday party during winter?
i'm turning 14. i needs party ideas. my birthday is in winter, so it has to be indoors. a house party would be okay, but i think a party at an actual place would be more fun. i like original things, stuff people haven't already done. i'm planning on inviting no more than 15 girls and guys. please be DETAILED in your answer. THANK YOU :)Have any ideas for a teenage birthday party during winter?
Dance party. Hire a DJ and rock out :] Nothing is more fun than just dancing and chillin with your friends. Also, search some cool games possibly (but not to many). Truth or Dare is always fun :]Have any ideas for a teenage birthday party during winter?
Maybe you could have an oscar/grammy's birthday party. You could have your dad and his friend dress in suits and sunglasses and act like security guards. You could have a poll and give awards away like the real grammy's and oscar's. You could have your mom and her friend be reporters from a new's station. You could have youe sibling's or somebody else be papporozi. You should decorate with red and gold because those are the prime colors. You could also make a stage where people can do karoke. You could also have a place where people can make their own stars. You know those you put on the sidewalk. Maybe that could be like the walkway of fame. You coukd also have a hall of fame if you want. It would also be cool if you got a roll of red carpet where each person can walk down it. For food you can make sandwhiches in the shape of stars.
Just make it a ';Winter Wonderland'; theme. You could go ice skating and look into some places in your area that serve sushi or something (think fish as in penguins. It mixes with the 'cold' theme). Or you could just do a mass movie and games marathon, with everything revolving around snow, cold, and winter. For refreshment ideas, use hot chocolate, cider, etc. You could even have a time set aside to make marshmallow snowmen. Just make it creative and everyone should have fun.
it would be really cool if you and your friends all went sledding for a while at a really good hill. then after bring everyone back to your house or a party place that you can rent out. it could be all decorated in winter wonderland things and you could give them dinner/lunch and dance. when it is time to go give them all a candy cane and thank them for coming. p.s. if you want you could make them donate a toy for toys for tots and your party could help give some kids get holiday gifts that can not afford it. thanks Happy Birthday and i hope your birthday is amazing :]]
well i'd suggest what my friend did. She had a co-ed party as well. She just had a different ';game'; with different reality tv showes lol. She had survivor, oh and fear factor. Pretty much have a whole bunch of scarves( different colors) and then there on different teams. Then like w/ fear factor the different teams make a ';concoction'; for the other team(s) to try and see which team could handle it the most.
idk. be creative. have movie themes... it all depends on what you and your friends like. have a rockband competiton lol.
mostly just have fun w/ it. if your happy thats what matters
good luck
~chrissy ;)
Maybe a stay-at-home party? You can make those little fake cocktails and decorate nicely. The magazine seventeen usually has good ideas.
- Go out to eat (To your favorite restaurant)
- Go to a movie
- You and your friends go out for mani and pedis
- Go on a shopping spree with you and your friends (What I did)
Maybe Just go see a movie? Ice skating or just watch movies that boys and girls would enjoy like The Dark Knight or even Mean Girls.
How about a Winter Wonderland Themed party? That would be really cute and you could be creative about it.
what i would do is like go out to see a movie and then go out to eat and just hangout at thee mall or something
Dance party. Hire a DJ and rock out :] Nothing is more fun than just dancing and chillin with your friends. Also, search some cool games possibly (but not to many). Truth or Dare is always fun :]Have any ideas for a teenage birthday party during winter?
Maybe you could have an oscar/grammy's birthday party. You could have your dad and his friend dress in suits and sunglasses and act like security guards. You could have a poll and give awards away like the real grammy's and oscar's. You could have your mom and her friend be reporters from a new's station. You could have youe sibling's or somebody else be papporozi. You should decorate with red and gold because those are the prime colors. You could also make a stage where people can do karoke. You could also have a place where people can make their own stars. You know those you put on the sidewalk. Maybe that could be like the walkway of fame. You coukd also have a hall of fame if you want. It would also be cool if you got a roll of red carpet where each person can walk down it. For food you can make sandwhiches in the shape of stars.
Just make it a ';Winter Wonderland'; theme. You could go ice skating and look into some places in your area that serve sushi or something (think fish as in penguins. It mixes with the 'cold' theme). Or you could just do a mass movie and games marathon, with everything revolving around snow, cold, and winter. For refreshment ideas, use hot chocolate, cider, etc. You could even have a time set aside to make marshmallow snowmen. Just make it creative and everyone should have fun.
it would be really cool if you and your friends all went sledding for a while at a really good hill. then after bring everyone back to your house or a party place that you can rent out. it could be all decorated in winter wonderland things and you could give them dinner/lunch and dance. when it is time to go give them all a candy cane and thank them for coming. p.s. if you want you could make them donate a toy for toys for tots and your party could help give some kids get holiday gifts that can not afford it. thanks Happy Birthday and i hope your birthday is amazing :]]
well i'd suggest what my friend did. She had a co-ed party as well. She just had a different ';game'; with different reality tv showes lol. She had survivor, oh and fear factor. Pretty much have a whole bunch of scarves( different colors) and then there on different teams. Then like w/ fear factor the different teams make a ';concoction'; for the other team(s) to try and see which team could handle it the most.
idk. be creative. have movie themes... it all depends on what you and your friends like. have a rockband competiton lol.
mostly just have fun w/ it. if your happy thats what matters
good luck
~chrissy ;)
Maybe a stay-at-home party? You can make those little fake cocktails and decorate nicely. The magazine seventeen usually has good ideas.
- Go out to eat (To your favorite restaurant)
- Go to a movie
- You and your friends go out for mani and pedis
- Go on a shopping spree with you and your friends (What I did)
Maybe Just go see a movie? Ice skating or just watch movies that boys and girls would enjoy like The Dark Knight or even Mean Girls.
How about a Winter Wonderland Themed party? That would be really cute and you could be creative about it.
what i would do is like go out to see a movie and then go out to eat and just hangout at thee mall or something
Will i get through this teenage chunky stage?
Im 13 Recently. I weigh about 120 sumthing like that. Im only like 5' 3';. Do you think im will grow any taller and grow out of this chinky thing. I mean im not that fat, just curvy.Will i get through this teenage chunky stage?
just relax, eat healthy food, and exercise daily. i think you could grow out of that because that happenes to everyoneWill i get through this teenage chunky stage?
Happens to everyone kid. You get taller, and things eventually even out. Even the super models you see today went through it some time.
yes you probably will. most of what you have is baby fat. you will outgrow it when you get past your 15's yrs of age..around there.
well yeah im prety sure you will!
another thing to think about is how tall are you parents cause 99% of the time kids dont ever grow to be taller then both of their parents
Start eating healthy and exercising while your young. Your at the peek of your metabolism. It's only going to get harder from here.
Eat healthily and exercise.
Ah your fine some guys like girls with a bit of meat on them
just relax, eat healthy food, and exercise daily. i think you could grow out of that because that happenes to everyoneWill i get through this teenage chunky stage?
Happens to everyone kid. You get taller, and things eventually even out. Even the super models you see today went through it some time.
yes you probably will. most of what you have is baby fat. you will outgrow it when you get past your 15's yrs of age..around there.
well yeah im prety sure you will!
another thing to think about is how tall are you parents cause 99% of the time kids dont ever grow to be taller then both of their parents
Start eating healthy and exercising while your young. Your at the peek of your metabolism. It's only going to get harder from here.
Eat healthily and exercise.
Ah your fine some guys like girls with a bit of meat on them
What is your opinion on teenage independence?
What would ';limit zone'; and ';off-limit zone';. What I mean by that is what do you think teenagers around my age can do (buy clothes without parents' advice, walk to friends' house without permission) and what they can't do (go to friends' car and drive off somewhere without your knowing)... I'm interested to what you think is off-limits and what's not off-limits?What is your opinion on teenage independence?
You should not do anything without permission. We need to know where you are. Buying clothes is alright, you know what is appropriate and if you buy something that is not you will have to return it. Everything else depends on the situation. Walking alone would depend on where it was at. Most of the time that is not safe. Cannot be in someones car without permission and parental approval.What is your opinion on teenage independence?
How old are you??
Ok, at 13.....
Nothing without permission!! Well, I'll let you buy your own clothes, but that's it.
I want to know where my kids is at all times. If your chores and homework are done, then I'll let you walk to a friends house but you better call me once you get there.
No riding in a friends car unless it's a parent that I know.
At 13, you shouldn't have too many privledges. And that's final! lol
look i told you before you are way to spoiled OK and if you were my child i would be giving you worse limits than that and i would be taking you to go buy what you needed,and no you would not get in a car w/friends an go anywere
No drugs, no unprotected sex, and no dropping out of school. Everything else is allowed.
I think it depends on the maturity of the teenager. I don't think that you should just put one set of rules on every teenager.
At 13, I don't think you should be given that much freedom. I think you should be allowed to pick your own clothes WITH a parents approval, and do some things with friends, while supervised.
Now at 17, you're almost an adult, and to have a parent holding your hand at all times is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
And some answers on here are so ridiculous, I couldn't stop laughing.
most teens cannot or should not be trusted with ';independence';. it is why we have so many teen moms. I think that any teen under 17 should be with an adult at all times. it would keep a lot of teens out of trouble. as for buying clothes and such, I think that a parent can and should have a say in what you wear until you move out.
I'm 14. My parents are extremely overprotective- I cannot have a boyfriend anymore, since one of my ex's beat me up after i refused to have sex with him. I cannot be alone with guys anywhere, and cannot go out on dates, or have a date for a dance.
My mom has to OK all my clothes, and I am not allowed to wear: shorts, anything black, tight jeans, low cut jeans, ripped jeans, any shirt cut lower than my collarbone, or any cool clothing at all.
I cannot walk places anymore, but we live in the worst part of town, so I get that.
To be in the car with a friend, no guys can be present, and my friend had to of had a full background check (AKA- no teen drivers)
I cannot be somewhere without an adult's ';supervision';- no malls
I cant hang out with my friends without adults with us
at 13 not much... even 18 you should be on a long leash.
Your age... basic dating ie hands off other then holding hands and hugs
Hanging with approved groups rather then on own. early back home and parents knowing where you are. No chat rooms that are not monitored.
Approved porn or sex ed. (ie I would want (this is more the guys here) seeing things like The lovers guide rather then big butts 3
Clothes you would get freedom but I would have last say
No car
not much... think dog on long leash so it can explore but get pulled back very quick if approaching danger
Hi again, I seem to be not reading these in the correct order. This is the question that caused you all that trouble from that troll. All I can say is believe in your self. I really don't see anything wrong with you exploring peoples opinions on these and possibly other things that may concern you.
i think thats true to considering im a teenage but...
i thought that if i was a parent and my teenager did that.i would freak. come to think of all the gun shots and murders and crimes rapes.etc.
i think buying clothes in a mall without parent is ok!
walk to friends house...i suggest that you would tell them that you are
Since you did not give your age, but clues to your age I am assuming you are around 16?
I do not think, this is what I allow my teenagers to do.
Buy there own clothing, well if they do not have the money I will front it for whatever they like. I allow my teens to look the way the want too. Of course clean....This does include funky colored hair and the such (not my thing but....)
They get to walk where ever they want, even home from school which is in the other town. We wold like to know where they are, this is common curtsy. Home by bed time at least!
My teens I would appreciate it if they tell me if they are going joy riding with a friend. If I ever, ever ketch them drinking alcohol and driving there life as they know it is over. They will be grounded to the house for a very long time, and they know this. We live in a small town and there are more tattle tails then I like to think....
We have been through the smoking tobacco for one of there friends does this. We will not allow it in our house (they are minors) nor will we be support the habit if they start smoking, ever.
All the teenagers friends are afraid of Mr. to his surprise. BUT he does lay the law down and says he was a teenage boy before and knows there tricks. Our teenagers do get more freedom then others in this town.
Ok well I think I covered your question......
You are not a teenager yet, or you are barely! You will tell us where you are going. You will not go in anyones car. You will not walk anywhere we do not know where you are at.
In this house you will get to pick out your own clothing and look the way you want too.
At 13 you will not be staying out late unless you are at the church.
13 and 16 is a big difference LOL!!
tough1, bcos i dont think age has a lot to do with it, i wasn't a lot different at 13 as i was when i was 16, by 18 i had more life exp, but that only came from going out n about. When do you get to learn if u have strict parents ? my parents were both working a lot so i got lots of freedom and i learnt enough to keep me alive this far, it started when i was 12, so at 13 u should at least be getting around and about on your own.
I have 2 children and have taught them both to protect themselves, and to think on their feet. I think if u look like a victm u could easily end up as 1. If you show your parents that u can take care of yourself it will give them confidence in you. Good Luck - i wouldn't like to b a teenager again **
You should not do anything without permission. We need to know where you are. Buying clothes is alright, you know what is appropriate and if you buy something that is not you will have to return it. Everything else depends on the situation. Walking alone would depend on where it was at. Most of the time that is not safe. Cannot be in someones car without permission and parental approval.What is your opinion on teenage independence?
How old are you??
Ok, at 13.....
Nothing without permission!! Well, I'll let you buy your own clothes, but that's it.
I want to know where my kids is at all times. If your chores and homework are done, then I'll let you walk to a friends house but you better call me once you get there.
No riding in a friends car unless it's a parent that I know.
At 13, you shouldn't have too many privledges. And that's final! lol
look i told you before you are way to spoiled OK and if you were my child i would be giving you worse limits than that and i would be taking you to go buy what you needed,and no you would not get in a car w/friends an go anywere
No drugs, no unprotected sex, and no dropping out of school. Everything else is allowed.
I think it depends on the maturity of the teenager. I don't think that you should just put one set of rules on every teenager.
At 13, I don't think you should be given that much freedom. I think you should be allowed to pick your own clothes WITH a parents approval, and do some things with friends, while supervised.
Now at 17, you're almost an adult, and to have a parent holding your hand at all times is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
And some answers on here are so ridiculous, I couldn't stop laughing.
most teens cannot or should not be trusted with ';independence';. it is why we have so many teen moms. I think that any teen under 17 should be with an adult at all times. it would keep a lot of teens out of trouble. as for buying clothes and such, I think that a parent can and should have a say in what you wear until you move out.
I'm 14. My parents are extremely overprotective- I cannot have a boyfriend anymore, since one of my ex's beat me up after i refused to have sex with him. I cannot be alone with guys anywhere, and cannot go out on dates, or have a date for a dance.
My mom has to OK all my clothes, and I am not allowed to wear: shorts, anything black, tight jeans, low cut jeans, ripped jeans, any shirt cut lower than my collarbone, or any cool clothing at all.
I cannot walk places anymore, but we live in the worst part of town, so I get that.
To be in the car with a friend, no guys can be present, and my friend had to of had a full background check (AKA- no teen drivers)
I cannot be somewhere without an adult's ';supervision';- no malls
I cant hang out with my friends without adults with us
at 13 not much... even 18 you should be on a long leash.
Your age... basic dating ie hands off other then holding hands and hugs
Hanging with approved groups rather then on own. early back home and parents knowing where you are. No chat rooms that are not monitored.
Approved porn or sex ed. (ie I would want (this is more the guys here) seeing things like The lovers guide rather then big butts 3
Clothes you would get freedom but I would have last say
No car
not much... think dog on long leash so it can explore but get pulled back very quick if approaching danger
Hi again, I seem to be not reading these in the correct order. This is the question that caused you all that trouble from that troll. All I can say is believe in your self. I really don't see anything wrong with you exploring peoples opinions on these and possibly other things that may concern you.
i think thats true to considering im a teenage but...
i thought that if i was a parent and my teenager did that.i would freak. come to think of all the gun shots and murders and crimes rapes.etc.
i think buying clothes in a mall without parent is ok!
walk to friends house...i suggest that you would tell them that you are
Since you did not give your age, but clues to your age I am assuming you are around 16?
I do not think, this is what I allow my teenagers to do.
Buy there own clothing, well if they do not have the money I will front it for whatever they like. I allow my teens to look the way the want too. Of course clean....This does include funky colored hair and the such (not my thing but....)
They get to walk where ever they want, even home from school which is in the other town. We wold like to know where they are, this is common curtsy. Home by bed time at least!
My teens I would appreciate it if they tell me if they are going joy riding with a friend. If I ever, ever ketch them drinking alcohol and driving there life as they know it is over. They will be grounded to the house for a very long time, and they know this. We live in a small town and there are more tattle tails then I like to think....
We have been through the smoking tobacco for one of there friends does this. We will not allow it in our house (they are minors) nor will we be support the habit if they start smoking, ever.
All the teenagers friends are afraid of Mr. to his surprise. BUT he does lay the law down and says he was a teenage boy before and knows there tricks. Our teenagers do get more freedom then others in this town.
Ok well I think I covered your question......
You are not a teenager yet, or you are barely! You will tell us where you are going. You will not go in anyones car. You will not walk anywhere we do not know where you are at.
In this house you will get to pick out your own clothing and look the way you want too.
At 13 you will not be staying out late unless you are at the church.
13 and 16 is a big difference LOL!!
tough1, bcos i dont think age has a lot to do with it, i wasn't a lot different at 13 as i was when i was 16, by 18 i had more life exp, but that only came from going out n about. When do you get to learn if u have strict parents ? my parents were both working a lot so i got lots of freedom and i learnt enough to keep me alive this far, it started when i was 12, so at 13 u should at least be getting around and about on your own.
I have 2 children and have taught them both to protect themselves, and to think on their feet. I think if u look like a victm u could easily end up as 1. If you show your parents that u can take care of yourself it will give them confidence in you. Good Luck - i wouldn't like to b a teenager again **
I am an african american teenage girl and I am looking for a product called Beauty 4 Ashes Godhead.?
Have you ever used this product?If so does it make your hair grow and does it give your hair bounce?Thank You.I am an african american teenage girl and I am looking for a product called Beauty 4 Ashes Godhead.?
Okay girl, I havent used the product BUT I found you someone on here who does.
Her yahoo name is naturalremedies4u and this is what she had to say about the product you asked about
About three months ago, my hair stylist washed my hair with a Beauty 4 Ashes GodHead Silky Smooth All-Natural Shampoo. I immediately noticed a difference in my hair texture. My hair was softer, easier to comb, and more manageable. My curls were defined and, for lack of a better word, more separated. I couldn't believe it. I decided to try the shampoo and conditioner myself. I use them religiously. In one month, my hair grew 1 1/2 inches and because my hair is very coarse, having softer hair that grows was unheard for me. You can order it from Go under the ethnic hair care section.
So from someone who has used it yes it does make your hair grow BUT for anything to make it grow it must already be healthy. Try infusium23 leave in too when I was about your age I got a bad perm and it ate my hair out a little, infusium helped it to grow back very fast. I still use it!
Good luckI am an african american teenage girl and I am looking for a product called Beauty 4 Ashes Godhead.?
never herd of it but this is what makes your hair grow it's called wild growth hair oil,and i use it and i tell tons of people about on here im on the site and it's for ALL hair types and it's all natural and it works belive me it does im PB on the site it can be bought online at the site and or at sally's beauty store for like 7.99 tha's were i get mine from i love this oil and you will too
email if you have any questions
no but if your interesting in finding out. you should get a sample for the product. or just buy it. good luck. i read some article on the product and it did say it a all natural product and does good for you hair. so try trends cosmetics makeup
Okay girl, I havent used the product BUT I found you someone on here who does.
Her yahoo name is naturalremedies4u and this is what she had to say about the product you asked about
About three months ago, my hair stylist washed my hair with a Beauty 4 Ashes GodHead Silky Smooth All-Natural Shampoo. I immediately noticed a difference in my hair texture. My hair was softer, easier to comb, and more manageable. My curls were defined and, for lack of a better word, more separated. I couldn't believe it. I decided to try the shampoo and conditioner myself. I use them religiously. In one month, my hair grew 1 1/2 inches and because my hair is very coarse, having softer hair that grows was unheard for me. You can order it from Go under the ethnic hair care section.
So from someone who has used it yes it does make your hair grow BUT for anything to make it grow it must already be healthy. Try infusium23 leave in too when I was about your age I got a bad perm and it ate my hair out a little, infusium helped it to grow back very fast. I still use it!
Good luckI am an african american teenage girl and I am looking for a product called Beauty 4 Ashes Godhead.?
never herd of it but this is what makes your hair grow it's called wild growth hair oil,and i use it and i tell tons of people about on here im on the site and it's for ALL hair types and it's all natural and it works belive me it does im PB on the site it can be bought online at the site and or at sally's beauty store for like 7.99 tha's were i get mine from i love this oil and you will too
email if you have any questions
no but if your interesting in finding out. you should get a sample for the product. or just buy it. good luck. i read some article on the product and it did say it a all natural product and does good for you hair. so try it.
What is an awesome idea for an awesome surprise party for a teenage boy?
please man!What is an awesome idea for an awesome surprise party for a teenage boy?
Check out my question, pretty much the same thing... Except I bet you that I'm younger than you, so would you mind answering it?;鈥?/a>What is an awesome idea for an awesome surprise party for a teenage boy?
Dozens and dozens of strippers.
have everyone throw water balloons at him:)
Check out my question, pretty much the same thing... Except I bet you that I'm younger than you, so would you mind answering it?;鈥?/a>What is an awesome idea for an awesome surprise party for a teenage boy?
Dozens and dozens of strippers.
have everyone throw water balloons at him:)
Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?
I want to drink healthier drinks this summer and stay away from sodas.
My Mom has a brand new blender and its still in the box and I would love to use Thanks a bunches. I love strawberries btw :o)Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?
1. milk+banana+red apple+ cinnamon+ice
2. milk+frozen berry mix (you blue berry and stuff)+ a load of fresh Strawberries+cream(just a little) + vanilla powder+ice juice + mango + raspberries + ice
4.pinapple juice + Orange + Kiwi fruit + ice
5. (this one is my favorite ) cut watermelon into cubes and freez them , then blend it alone...when drinking it in a hot summer'll feel in heaven !!
6. oh c'mon ! get creative ! mix whatever you want and try it ! I hope you enjoy your drinks :)Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?
It's great that you want to eat healthier but fruit juices are not particularly healthy.
Juice is high in sugar and you are missing out on the fibre that you get when you eat whole fruit.
If you really want to drink your fruit make smoothies instead of juicing as the whole fruit (including the fibre) is added to the smoothie.
Try whizzing up a banana, strawberries, low fat yogurt and skim milk together. Add a little honey for extra sweetness if desired. Swap the strawberries for raspberries or peaches or an additional banana to get some variety in flavours. This way you are getting protein from the milk and yogurt (which will keep you feeling full) and good bacteria from the yogurt (which is important for digestive health).
i like to use plain yogurt, (1/2 cup), a handful of mixedberries,a banana, an orange, and ice...i use carrot juice(from health food stores or v8 fruit veggie mix juice from the grocer) to thin it out! soo good
also juicers are fun, so you can incorporate veggies into your juicing!
Coopers' home brew Lager is a good start but you'll have to add your own strawberries
why dont you make a strawberry shake
what is best for me is to make a milk shake with bananas
maybe add some strawberries
bananas and peanut butter! it takes tha cravying of choco away (supposedly)
My Mom has a brand new blender and its still in the box and I would love to use Thanks a bunches. I love strawberries btw :o)Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?
1. milk+banana+red apple+ cinnamon+ice
2. milk+frozen berry mix (you blue berry and stuff)+ a load of fresh Strawberries+cream(just a little) + vanilla powder+ice juice + mango + raspberries + ice
4.pinapple juice + Orange + Kiwi fruit + ice
5. (this one is my favorite ) cut watermelon into cubes and freez them , then blend it alone...when drinking it in a hot summer'll feel in heaven !!
6. oh c'mon ! get creative ! mix whatever you want and try it ! I hope you enjoy your drinks :)Does anyone have any favorite homemade fruit drinks to share with a teenage girl?
It's great that you want to eat healthier but fruit juices are not particularly healthy.
Juice is high in sugar and you are missing out on the fibre that you get when you eat whole fruit.
If you really want to drink your fruit make smoothies instead of juicing as the whole fruit (including the fibre) is added to the smoothie.
Try whizzing up a banana, strawberries, low fat yogurt and skim milk together. Add a little honey for extra sweetness if desired. Swap the strawberries for raspberries or peaches or an additional banana to get some variety in flavours. This way you are getting protein from the milk and yogurt (which will keep you feeling full) and good bacteria from the yogurt (which is important for digestive health).
i like to use plain yogurt, (1/2 cup), a handful of mixedberries,a banana, an orange, and ice...i use carrot juice(from health food stores or v8 fruit veggie mix juice from the grocer) to thin it out! soo good
also juicers are fun, so you can incorporate veggies into your juicing!
Coopers' home brew Lager is a good start but you'll have to add your own strawberries
why dont you make a strawberry shake
what is best for me is to make a milk shake with bananas
maybe add some strawberries
bananas and peanut butter! it takes tha cravying of choco away (supposedly)
What do you get a teenage boy whom has everything?
I have a nephew that has just about anything a kid could want, and I do not like giving or receiving giftcards because they are so impersonal. What are your suggestionsWhat do you get a teenage boy whom has everything?
AntibioticsWhat do you get a teenage boy whom has everything?
depends on his age. when I was a younger kid I didn't like receiving clothes, so that might not be a good idea.
first thing is ask the parents about thigs that your nephew doesn't have.
Maybe you can buy tickets to an amusement park and spend the day with him.
you made two questions asking the same thing. I put more answers on the other one.
A challenge. Some people really like to feel challenged. Take him
rock climbing, frog hunting(not to harm the froggies), give him a grab bag or grab box(it is fun to get those), or give him Sea Monkeys.
What are his interests? Check out or a site like that and see if you can find something that pertains to what he likes.
The first thing to do is ask his parents what they suggest since they know what they might have already bought him and they know him probably more than anyone else. If he is a teenager, maybe you could try buying him something for his car, or cell phone
Time, give him some time. It cost very little, doesn't have to be wrapped, and I'll bet you he doesn't have enough of it. Sounds corny, but it seems when someone says a kid has everything usually the kids parents are busy, not in the picture or the whole family buys the kid things to make up for the 'time' they don't spend with him. If you're willing to put any thought into a gift, why not ask him if there's some place he'd like to go. Maybe he'll surprise you, maybe not. Even as an adult it sure means alot to me when I can sit with someone I like and know they really want to be there and they're listening. I could be wrong, THATS never happened before. Of course after your wonderful visit cash may be expected too.
I bet he doesn't have a 'Bag-o-coal'
AntibioticsWhat do you get a teenage boy whom has everything?
depends on his age. when I was a younger kid I didn't like receiving clothes, so that might not be a good idea.
first thing is ask the parents about thigs that your nephew doesn't have.
Maybe you can buy tickets to an amusement park and spend the day with him.
you made two questions asking the same thing. I put more answers on the other one.
A challenge. Some people really like to feel challenged. Take him
rock climbing, frog hunting(not to harm the froggies), give him a grab bag or grab box(it is fun to get those), or give him Sea Monkeys.
What are his interests? Check out or a site like that and see if you can find something that pertains to what he likes.
The first thing to do is ask his parents what they suggest since they know what they might have already bought him and they know him probably more than anyone else. If he is a teenager, maybe you could try buying him something for his car, or cell phone
Time, give him some time. It cost very little, doesn't have to be wrapped, and I'll bet you he doesn't have enough of it. Sounds corny, but it seems when someone says a kid has everything usually the kids parents are busy, not in the picture or the whole family buys the kid things to make up for the 'time' they don't spend with him. If you're willing to put any thought into a gift, why not ask him if there's some place he'd like to go. Maybe he'll surprise you, maybe not. Even as an adult it sure means alot to me when I can sit with someone I like and know they really want to be there and they're listening. I could be wrong, THATS never happened before. Of course after your wonderful visit cash may be expected too.
I bet he doesn't have a 'Bag-o-coal'
What is your veiw on teenage drinking?
Why do you think it happens?
Why do you think people get intoxicated to feel excepted in the ';cool'; social world?What is your veiw on teenage drinking?
To have fun and let loose. Believe it or not, that's it.
Why do those over 21 do it? Same reason?
Hey, maybe it's because we're all people.
I'm 20 years old, and have been drinking since I was 16. I have never in my life felt this strange phenomena that my high school health teacher called ';peer pressure.'; I have never felt external pressure to drink. If I didn't want to drink, I wouldn't. And I don't drink when I don't want to. And I do when I do.
I've actually talked to friends about this idea of feeling pressure from others to drink, because I was so baffled about the idea, and they've all felt the same way.
We don't feel like it makes us cool. We think it's a good time.
Edit: Not sure why I received a thumbs down... I really am trying to be as helpful as possible. I think it's important to know that ';feeling cool'; is not nearly as important of a reason for underage drinking as adults seem to think.What is your veiw on teenage drinking?
Here's a fun fact!!! You can go join the army at age 17 and die in war but you cant have a drink! HMMMMM that make sense your not mentaly mature to have a drink at 17 but you are mature enough to go to war and kill and be killed??
ha!! yeah the lady with the 14 yr old son what the f*uck ever!!! im sure he does drink but why would he tell you?!?!?
I think teenagers would be best advised not to drink alcohol at all [my 14 y o son doesn't ]. However I appreciate that they do feel a lot of pressure to drink.
I think in Western countries there is an entrenched culture of excessive drinking of alcohol, and the teenagers were simply born into this.
There is also a huge industry making vast profits from alcohol, and they invest a lot in advertising to keep ppl drinking, and bring new drinkers in to replace the thousands that die of alcohol poisoning.
However, alcohol also gives ppl a lot of pleasure in social situations, helps them relax, and helps them cope with stress, so in moderation it can be a very good thing.
real-life situation:
my uncle, aunt and mother were always allowed sips of alcohol when growing up, under their parents supervision. never more than a couple tablespoons at one time. this taught them alcohol wasn't a big deal.
my uncle turned 18 and all his friends got wasted from never drinking alcohol before...he didn't see the big deal.
my mother has always allowed my brother, sister, and i to drink small amounts of alcohol. i'm not even interested anymore, and i'm 20
my theory: if introduced to alcohol at an early age under supervision, children will not be desperate to have it when of legal age, because it's no longer special. if, however, they are never allowed to drink alcohol, they will drink too much as soon as they can get their hands on's the way of human, want what you cannot have...
Well in Jamaca it's legal for anyone to drink. If you live in The United States they have a law of when to drink. These teenagers don't follow the law of God, or the Government. So they make mistakes they will learn from if they get that chance.
I think another aspect of why we have so many teens who drink, is because in this country we have a lot of teen depression and problems at home and they have learned to use alcohol to self medicate.
Why do you think people get intoxicated to feel excepted in the ';cool'; social world?What is your veiw on teenage drinking?
To have fun and let loose. Believe it or not, that's it.
Why do those over 21 do it? Same reason?
Hey, maybe it's because we're all people.
I'm 20 years old, and have been drinking since I was 16. I have never in my life felt this strange phenomena that my high school health teacher called ';peer pressure.'; I have never felt external pressure to drink. If I didn't want to drink, I wouldn't. And I don't drink when I don't want to. And I do when I do.
I've actually talked to friends about this idea of feeling pressure from others to drink, because I was so baffled about the idea, and they've all felt the same way.
We don't feel like it makes us cool. We think it's a good time.
Edit: Not sure why I received a thumbs down... I really am trying to be as helpful as possible. I think it's important to know that ';feeling cool'; is not nearly as important of a reason for underage drinking as adults seem to think.What is your veiw on teenage drinking?
Here's a fun fact!!! You can go join the army at age 17 and die in war but you cant have a drink! HMMMMM that make sense your not mentaly mature to have a drink at 17 but you are mature enough to go to war and kill and be killed??
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ha!! yeah the lady with the 14 yr old son what the f*uck ever!!! im sure he does drink but why would he tell you?!?!?
Report Abuse
I think teenagers would be best advised not to drink alcohol at all [my 14 y o son doesn't ]. However I appreciate that they do feel a lot of pressure to drink.
I think in Western countries there is an entrenched culture of excessive drinking of alcohol, and the teenagers were simply born into this.
There is also a huge industry making vast profits from alcohol, and they invest a lot in advertising to keep ppl drinking, and bring new drinkers in to replace the thousands that die of alcohol poisoning.
However, alcohol also gives ppl a lot of pleasure in social situations, helps them relax, and helps them cope with stress, so in moderation it can be a very good thing.
real-life situation:
my uncle, aunt and mother were always allowed sips of alcohol when growing up, under their parents supervision. never more than a couple tablespoons at one time. this taught them alcohol wasn't a big deal.
my uncle turned 18 and all his friends got wasted from never drinking alcohol before...he didn't see the big deal.
my mother has always allowed my brother, sister, and i to drink small amounts of alcohol. i'm not even interested anymore, and i'm 20
my theory: if introduced to alcohol at an early age under supervision, children will not be desperate to have it when of legal age, because it's no longer special. if, however, they are never allowed to drink alcohol, they will drink too much as soon as they can get their hands on's the way of human, want what you cannot have...
Well in Jamaca it's legal for anyone to drink. If you live in The United States they have a law of when to drink. These teenagers don't follow the law of God, or the Government. So they make mistakes they will learn from if they get that chance.
I think another aspect of why we have so many teens who drink, is because in this country we have a lot of teen depression and problems at home and they have learned to use alcohol to self medicate.
What should a mean, rich, teenage girl look like (in a book)?
If you were to read about a mean, rich, teenage girl who's the head of a clique what would she look like?
- color of the hair?
- color of the eyes?What should a mean, rich, teenage girl look like (in a book)?
I'm trying to be non-stereotypical here... So dark brunette hair (sophisticated :) And either piercing green eyes or violet would look nice. Hope I helped!What should a mean, rich, teenage girl look like (in a book)?
She had a face and a body that was paid for, and I don't mean she was a prostitute. Daddy had gotten her a nose and chin job for her eleventh birthday. Her orthodontist had straightened out her teeth, each one now whiter than white, unlike the girl in who's mouth they lay, unaffected by the bitterness and bile that frequently came out of her mouth. She had a tan that you couldn't buy, that could only come from her many family jaunts to St Barts, Miami and Monaco. Her body was firmed and toned, she gotten rid of the baby fat a few years back, one of the few things in her life she had to work for. Her mother had hired a personal trainer for herself, her daughter soon using him as well. I wonder if either knew he was both their lovers. She looked in the mirror and smiled, she knew she had power over others, and it pleased her, her piercing blue eyes staring back at her, but even these, like the girl herself was a fake. Coloured contacts. She brushed her golden hair one last time, looked at the lie in the mirror, but all she saw was truth, who she'd become and not who she was.
Stereotypical head?
Cheerleader, probably. Or drama queen [literally]
Blue eyes
Doesn't matter if it's naturally blonde, blue, straight or curly. It has to be do her boobs [well sometimes. what about her nose]
She has to be hot of course.
Hair and eye colour have nothing whatsoever to do with how rich or mean someone is. I'd advise you to stop thinking about stereotypes and start thinking about how and why she is rich and mean.
long straight blone hair.
either bright blue eyes or green eyes.
she should wear mini skirts, have/buy stuff from prada, gucci, coach, american eagle, hollister, a%26amp;f.
that kinda stuff.
I'm sick of mean, rich, extremely pretty teenage girls.
What about an ugly girl who only has loads of friends coz she's rich? That would be pretty refreshing.
not to be completely stereotypical here but:
blonde hair, blue eyes, loves hollister/abercrombie/etc? haha thats how most of the man clichy girls at my school look like.
Blonde straight hair (doesn't matter whether it is natural or not)
Sharp brown eyes
color of the hair- blonde
color of the eyes-blue or black
Blond hair Blue eyesmakeup trends cosmetics makeup
- color of the hair?
- color of the eyes?What should a mean, rich, teenage girl look like (in a book)?
I'm trying to be non-stereotypical here... So dark brunette hair (sophisticated :) And either piercing green eyes or violet would look nice. Hope I helped!What should a mean, rich, teenage girl look like (in a book)?
She had a face and a body that was paid for, and I don't mean she was a prostitute. Daddy had gotten her a nose and chin job for her eleventh birthday. Her orthodontist had straightened out her teeth, each one now whiter than white, unlike the girl in who's mouth they lay, unaffected by the bitterness and bile that frequently came out of her mouth. She had a tan that you couldn't buy, that could only come from her many family jaunts to St Barts, Miami and Monaco. Her body was firmed and toned, she gotten rid of the baby fat a few years back, one of the few things in her life she had to work for. Her mother had hired a personal trainer for herself, her daughter soon using him as well. I wonder if either knew he was both their lovers. She looked in the mirror and smiled, she knew she had power over others, and it pleased her, her piercing blue eyes staring back at her, but even these, like the girl herself was a fake. Coloured contacts. She brushed her golden hair one last time, looked at the lie in the mirror, but all she saw was truth, who she'd become and not who she was.
Stereotypical head?
Cheerleader, probably. Or drama queen [literally]
Blue eyes
Doesn't matter if it's naturally blonde, blue, straight or curly. It has to be do her boobs [well sometimes. what about her nose]
She has to be hot of course.
Hair and eye colour have nothing whatsoever to do with how rich or mean someone is. I'd advise you to stop thinking about stereotypes and start thinking about how and why she is rich and mean.
long straight blone hair.
either bright blue eyes or green eyes.
she should wear mini skirts, have/buy stuff from prada, gucci, coach, american eagle, hollister, a%26amp;f.
that kinda stuff.
I'm sick of mean, rich, extremely pretty teenage girls.
What about an ugly girl who only has loads of friends coz she's rich? That would be pretty refreshing.
not to be completely stereotypical here but:
blonde hair, blue eyes, loves hollister/abercrombie/etc? haha thats how most of the man clichy girls at my school look like.
Blonde straight hair (doesn't matter whether it is natural or not)
Sharp brown eyes
color of the hair- blonde
color of the eyes-blue or black
Blond hair Blue eyes
TEENS: How do you get teenage stepson to open up and talk with you?
My stepson thinks a lot of me (I think) but is very stand-offish in general and it's hard to get him to open up and talk sometimes. Any advice?TEENS: How do you get teenage stepson to open up and talk with you?
just sit down with him and talk just start a convo with him and just like slowly move on to the thing you want to talk to him about thats what my mom does .. its normal for us teens to want to keep sevrets but it is also good to tell parents sometimes..good luck k and if you need any other teen related ? just ask..ttyl bye mackenzieTEENS: How do you get teenage stepson to open up and talk with you?
He's probably just shy. And maybe he's just not comfortable talking about his life with you yet. Hang out with him, and try to get to know him. He should open up soon. Hope this helps!
Bribe him with goodies. Duh.
good luck with that. teens wont even talk to each other let alone their step parents
Most teen guys aren't very talkative with parents....actually that's all teens. And if you are new into his life it's prolly harder for him to open up to you. I'd say not to take it personally if he does think a lot of you. He's just at that stage where he's a teen and a guy. Guys have to be tough and not show emotions
If he doesn't want to open up you really can't make him. What you can do is build a relationship with him that will make him comfortable coming to you if he has a need.
Don't overwhelm him....take it slow and you two may become friends.
It depends, how long have you been his step parent? and what has he hear you saying about his bio parent? sometimes it just takes time, but yea bribing cant hurt, raise his allowence, bend the rules now and again, make him think your his friend. But thing is, he is a teenager, he really only opens up to his friends and whatever you do DONT spy on him
alcohol, and lots of it!
give it time !try one day some thing that's not hard to answer or to scare him away. just take time but be his's Friend. but you also need to be gentile about it my be his's not commutable Enif for you to ask question like that .just like i sayed give it time and you will see!.
just sit down with him and talk just start a convo with him and just like slowly move on to the thing you want to talk to him about thats what my mom does .. its normal for us teens to want to keep sevrets but it is also good to tell parents sometimes..good luck k and if you need any other teen related ? just ask..ttyl bye mackenzieTEENS: How do you get teenage stepson to open up and talk with you?
He's probably just shy. And maybe he's just not comfortable talking about his life with you yet. Hang out with him, and try to get to know him. He should open up soon. Hope this helps!
Bribe him with goodies. Duh.
good luck with that. teens wont even talk to each other let alone their step parents
Most teen guys aren't very talkative with parents....actually that's all teens. And if you are new into his life it's prolly harder for him to open up to you. I'd say not to take it personally if he does think a lot of you. He's just at that stage where he's a teen and a guy. Guys have to be tough and not show emotions
If he doesn't want to open up you really can't make him. What you can do is build a relationship with him that will make him comfortable coming to you if he has a need.
Don't overwhelm him....take it slow and you two may become friends.
It depends, how long have you been his step parent? and what has he hear you saying about his bio parent? sometimes it just takes time, but yea bribing cant hurt, raise his allowence, bend the rules now and again, make him think your his friend. But thing is, he is a teenager, he really only opens up to his friends and whatever you do DONT spy on him
alcohol, and lots of it!
give it time !try one day some thing that's not hard to answer or to scare him away. just take time but be his's Friend. but you also need to be gentile about it my be his's not commutable Enif for you to ask question like that .just like i sayed give it time and you will see!.
Ideas for painting a cool teenage room?
I really want cool walls for my room. O by the way I am a 14 year old girl. I am not really girly and I dont really like pink and flowers and that type of stuff. I once saw this room that I kinda liked and it was black and there was like turquoise and white circles in it. But I dont really want black walls. So if anyone could help with links or ideas I would really appreciate it.
Thanks =DIdeas for painting a cool teenage room?
play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find something that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family %26amp; color name, the ';painted'; rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:
I think a blue like ';rain'; (# 6219) would be a great color for the bedroom.
You can also take a photo of your house %26amp; upload it to the makeover gallery on this website:
You can get color suggestions %26amp; they'll photoshop them onto your room so that you can get an idea of what it will look like.Ideas for painting a cool teenage room?
you could do a stencil:
and this is my fave site for wallpaper:鈥?/a>
I'm 14 Too And I Recentaly Got My Room Re-Done This Past Year.
I Have Bright Yellow Walls And A Striped Ceiling.
The Colors Of The Ceiling Are: White, Darker Yellow, Pink, Blue, Lime Green, Red, Orange, Purple, And One Or Two Stripes Of The Bright Yellow We Used For My Walls.
I'm Not That Girly Either But I Loveeee My Room.
Pick something you DO like and go with a theme using those colors.
Take a favorite CD cover from your all time favorite band?
Thanks =DIdeas for painting a cool teenage room?
play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find something that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family %26amp; color name, the ';painted'; rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:
I think a blue like ';rain'; (# 6219) would be a great color for the bedroom.
You can also take a photo of your house %26amp; upload it to the makeover gallery on this website:
You can get color suggestions %26amp; they'll photoshop them onto your room so that you can get an idea of what it will look like.Ideas for painting a cool teenage room?
you could do a stencil:
and this is my fave site for wallpaper:鈥?/a>
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I'm 14 Too And I Recentaly Got My Room Re-Done This Past Year.
I Have Bright Yellow Walls And A Striped Ceiling.
The Colors Of The Ceiling Are: White, Darker Yellow, Pink, Blue, Lime Green, Red, Orange, Purple, And One Or Two Stripes Of The Bright Yellow We Used For My Walls.
I'm Not That Girly Either But I Loveeee My Room.
Pick something you DO like and go with a theme using those colors.
Take a favorite CD cover from your all time favorite band?
What do you get a teenage boy whom has everything?
I have a nephew that has just about anything a kid could want, and I do not like giving or receiving giftcards because they are so impersonal. What are your suggestionsWhat do you get a teenage boy whom has everything?
If he has everything, you get him directions to the nearest thrift store... and teach him how to donate.....
your sister,
GingerWhat do you get a teenage boy whom has everything?
I answered your previous question. now that i know his age area, I'd suggest some good calogne or a good pair of jeans
with the pair of jeans you gotta know what kind of music he listens to first.
if he is a person who listens to rock, get him dark blue jeans that are more of a slim fit.
If he listens to rap, hip-hop, and techno, I'd recommend fading/faded jeans. regular color is fine. They can be either blue or black jeans. They should be about 2 sizes bigger so they would be a baggy fit. If you don't want to underestimate or overestimate his pants sizes in this category, a long chain would be appropriate so he can hook his wallet onto it.
If he is more gothic, get him a pair of big black jeans. not so big and baggy like if he listened to rap and stuff. A chain would also be appropriate here, but they have to be long.
my second choice is money, you can never go wrong with money.
Cartoon picture of him. Just check it out...
A good book.
Take him out do something fun.
Contact the National Star Registry, have a star named after him.
Scrap-book of good times you've had together or as family.
Make a donation to a charitable organization, in his name.
Buy him some time at a summer camp. If he does have everthing, he should learn how to do without for a couple of weeks a year. It builds character.
Make a donation to a great charity in his name if he has everything. I suggest Salvation Army, or Red Cross. If you still want to get him something... get him a gag gift... Go to Spencer gifts and get him a shocking pen or lighter, or snap gum, or something fun like that. DVDs are always good too.
tons of cash
A personalized Bible.
I Cr 13;8a
make a donation to a charity in his name. If he has everything, why try to compete.
A good slap.
I suggest saying who has everything since who is the subject of the clause ';who has everything'; whom is incorrectly used because whom is an objective pronoun meaning it takes the object.
You said you did not want gift certificates, but some are cool.
Maybe for his favorite pizza place, so he can take his friends, or order out when Mom is making liver for dinner. Or he could treat the family.
Blockbuster video.
Buy a big, cheap bowl, and fill it full of his favorite snacks, in individual servings. Popcorn, potato chips, nuts etc.. Find out his favorite soft drink, and put in a couple cans or bottles. Tuck a Blockbuster gift certificate in the middle.
Air time for his cell phone.
You did not say if he has a car yet, but if he does, a gas card. For example, Wal -mart superstores let you use a gift card at the pump, and discount the gas.
Take him shopping, set the cost limit in advance.
Ask for a want list. Tell him the budget limit, and have him put small, and larger items, for you to choose from. He might suprise you, and ask for things he really needs, like batteries for his electronic stuff, or blank CDs and tapes.
Call his Mom, she might have his wish/want list.
And, there is always money. Teens love money, to buy whatever they want.
A grown woman???! Honestly, that's all I can think of!!! Ignore me, but don't turn me in for tryin'! What about bicycle parts? Shiny chrome wheels %26amp; handlebars %26amp; other stuff like that there? :o)
A security camera
How about you take him Christmas shopping with you for an underpriviledged child?
My parents always did that with me, and it made Christmas feel nice, when you opened your presents and felt like you gave something too.
a really good aunt would get him the PS3
Or you could just buy him a PS3 game so he thinks his parents are getting him the console...
and it's who, not whom
I can suggest two things: Your love and your time.
Rather than buy a gift, do something with him and possibly a friend. It does take much for you to plan something: a movie, a ball game, etc. If you know your nephew well enough, you should find some activity to share.
When you have decided on something, create an invitation especially for him.
A ride through the underpriviliged neighborhoods so he can see how the less fortunate are spending their holidays. Also there's a group called NODA - it is made up of volunteers who spend time visiting people in hospitals who have nobody in the world and they are dying. ';NODA'; means ';No One Dies Alone.'; It's really sad that there's scared, sad people who spend their last days and moments alone right before dying. NODA gives these people someone to be there for them in their last days and the hour of their death.
Some good answers but I like the teaching him how to donate. Our kids these days are blind to the struggles of others. Take him shopping to buy a toy for a child who needs one. The mall usually has the Salvation Army Angel Tree. Pick a child and give the gift in his name. If you really want to get him something, take a picture together and put it in a beautiful frame that you make and presto, a gift.
Get him to care about those who have nothing if you want to do him a real favor. There are so many children without food and shelter right now.
How about a memory ? A gift doesnt have too be tangible, do something nice, do something fun.
Give him a box full of rock to represent the bad things he did this year. Maybe it'll be the best gift ever.
If he has everything, you get him directions to the nearest thrift store... and teach him how to donate.....
your sister,
GingerWhat do you get a teenage boy whom has everything?
I answered your previous question. now that i know his age area, I'd suggest some good calogne or a good pair of jeans
with the pair of jeans you gotta know what kind of music he listens to first.
if he is a person who listens to rock, get him dark blue jeans that are more of a slim fit.
If he listens to rap, hip-hop, and techno, I'd recommend fading/faded jeans. regular color is fine. They can be either blue or black jeans. They should be about 2 sizes bigger so they would be a baggy fit. If you don't want to underestimate or overestimate his pants sizes in this category, a long chain would be appropriate so he can hook his wallet onto it.
If he is more gothic, get him a pair of big black jeans. not so big and baggy like if he listened to rap and stuff. A chain would also be appropriate here, but they have to be long.
my second choice is money, you can never go wrong with money.
Cartoon picture of him. Just check it out...
A good book.
Take him out do something fun.
Contact the National Star Registry, have a star named after him.
Scrap-book of good times you've had together or as family.
Make a donation to a charitable organization, in his name.
Buy him some time at a summer camp. If he does have everthing, he should learn how to do without for a couple of weeks a year. It builds character.
Make a donation to a great charity in his name if he has everything. I suggest Salvation Army, or Red Cross. If you still want to get him something... get him a gag gift... Go to Spencer gifts and get him a shocking pen or lighter, or snap gum, or something fun like that. DVDs are always good too.
tons of cash
A personalized Bible.
I Cr 13;8a
make a donation to a charity in his name. If he has everything, why try to compete.
A good slap.
I suggest saying who has everything since who is the subject of the clause ';who has everything'; whom is incorrectly used because whom is an objective pronoun meaning it takes the object.
You said you did not want gift certificates, but some are cool.
Maybe for his favorite pizza place, so he can take his friends, or order out when Mom is making liver for dinner. Or he could treat the family.
Blockbuster video.
Buy a big, cheap bowl, and fill it full of his favorite snacks, in individual servings. Popcorn, potato chips, nuts etc.. Find out his favorite soft drink, and put in a couple cans or bottles. Tuck a Blockbuster gift certificate in the middle.
Air time for his cell phone.
You did not say if he has a car yet, but if he does, a gas card. For example, Wal -mart superstores let you use a gift card at the pump, and discount the gas.
Take him shopping, set the cost limit in advance.
Ask for a want list. Tell him the budget limit, and have him put small, and larger items, for you to choose from. He might suprise you, and ask for things he really needs, like batteries for his electronic stuff, or blank CDs and tapes.
Call his Mom, she might have his wish/want list.
And, there is always money. Teens love money, to buy whatever they want.
A grown woman???! Honestly, that's all I can think of!!! Ignore me, but don't turn me in for tryin'! What about bicycle parts? Shiny chrome wheels %26amp; handlebars %26amp; other stuff like that there? :o)
A security camera
How about you take him Christmas shopping with you for an underpriviledged child?
My parents always did that with me, and it made Christmas feel nice, when you opened your presents and felt like you gave something too.
a really good aunt would get him the PS3
Or you could just buy him a PS3 game so he thinks his parents are getting him the console...
and it's who, not whom
I can suggest two things: Your love and your time.
Rather than buy a gift, do something with him and possibly a friend. It does take much for you to plan something: a movie, a ball game, etc. If you know your nephew well enough, you should find some activity to share.
When you have decided on something, create an invitation especially for him.
A ride through the underpriviliged neighborhoods so he can see how the less fortunate are spending their holidays. Also there's a group called NODA - it is made up of volunteers who spend time visiting people in hospitals who have nobody in the world and they are dying. ';NODA'; means ';No One Dies Alone.'; It's really sad that there's scared, sad people who spend their last days and moments alone right before dying. NODA gives these people someone to be there for them in their last days and the hour of their death.
Some good answers but I like the teaching him how to donate. Our kids these days are blind to the struggles of others. Take him shopping to buy a toy for a child who needs one. The mall usually has the Salvation Army Angel Tree. Pick a child and give the gift in his name. If you really want to get him something, take a picture together and put it in a beautiful frame that you make and presto, a gift.
Get him to care about those who have nothing if you want to do him a real favor. There are so many children without food and shelter right now.
How about a memory ? A gift doesnt have too be tangible, do something nice, do something fun.
Give him a box full of rock to represent the bad things he did this year. Maybe it'll be the best gift ever.
Is hair straighting (or ironing, something like that) dangerous and harmful for teenage guys? How bad is it?
I'm a 16 year old boy, and it's been like a month since I was straightening my hair with a hair straightener almost every three days - That's making it straight. So, is it dangerous for guys like us and does it really cause hair loss and damage. And finally, if it does any harm, are there any ways to protect the hair or something as tips and advices, thanks.Is hair straighting (or ironing, something like that) dangerous and harmful for teenage guys? How bad is it?
Dark Red....,
Straightening your hair is no more harmful than straightening a girl's hair....after all, you are human...right?
Seriously, the only harm that can be done is breakage due to accessive use of the flat iron, or if the temperature is set too high on the appliance, both of which can cause dry and brittle hair, leading to hair loss. (Not sexy to be a 16 year old bald guy.)
What I will suggest is when you do use them, make sure they are just hot enough, but not too hot. Also, use a protective moisturizer for those ends, especially if you have color-treated hair. Also, if you are going to straighten your hair everyday, shampoo and condition it atleast every 2 days (don't have time for a deep conditioner? do a leave-in one), and get regular trims by a barber every 2 to 3 weeks.
I know because you're a guy, these things can sound like a pain, but, it's worth protecting your hair.
Good Luck!
BIs hair straighting (or ironing, something like that) dangerous and harmful for teenage guys? How bad is it?
any heat is damaging,i would use a good conditioner in the shower,use a heat protectant spray on the hair,and use some product after such as paul mitchell gloss drops. or on wet hair paul mitchell super skinny.
just want to keep it nourished.
as far as it being worse on a guy than a girl,i would say no,but i am no expert.
Its going to cause damage no matter if your a girl or a guy. You may want to apply a thermal protector or straightening balm to minimize damage. You can find these products at any store or salon.
the heat can be bad for your hair if you straighten it most days of the week...and you'll know when you start getting split ends. for the most part, as a guy, you are probably cutting your hair fairly often so it really shouldnt be too big a deal
as far as hair loss, like someone else said, unless you are ripping your hair out, there is absolutely no risk of early balding
wow seriously nothing bad will happen and just have fun i have curly hair so i striaght it almost everyday like you
man if you have to straight out your hair for a guy like it must be longer than shoulder length right lols
just have fun
ps always use conditioner
we,us girls know
not dangerous at all. it could damage your hair though if the heat is on too high for your hair type. do you know your hiar type? is it fair, medium, or thick? if fair, low heat, medium, well, medim heat, and thick... well you get the picture. if you really wanna protect your hair, you can get some type of pomade or straightening gel to put on before you straighten your hair
no have fun boy!
Nope your good to go!
why would it be dangerous?
The company wouldnt market the product if they didnt think the consumers were going to use it everyday
Its fine as llong as you dont overprocess your hair...just add conditioner or buy biosilk
It's no better or worse for teenage boys than for anyone else.
Hair straighteners don't cause hair loss. They do, however, use heat to straighten the hair, and this can make it dry and frizzy. You can get a lot of good protective styling sprays to protect the hair while you straighten it; most of these will also help keep your style for longer, too.
Look in your local pharmacy for anything called ';blow drying spray'; or ';protective spray for heat styling';, etc. Not ';hairspray'; - that's a different product!
As long as you are not ';tugging'; on your hair, it is fine. Straighten away!
Using ANY Heated Appliance Too Frequently Over Time, Will Dry And Damage The Hair-Why Do You Want It Straight? Most Girls Like Guys With Curly Locks. Have You Been To A Good Stylist? She Or He Can Show You Some Great Options For Dealing With Curly Hair. Somtimes, Just The Right Cut And Style Can Make All The Difference Between Hair You Think Looks ';Dorky'; And Having The Coolest ';Make Heads Turn'; Style.
Dark Red....,
Straightening your hair is no more harmful than straightening a girl's hair....after all, you are human...right?
Seriously, the only harm that can be done is breakage due to accessive use of the flat iron, or if the temperature is set too high on the appliance, both of which can cause dry and brittle hair, leading to hair loss. (Not sexy to be a 16 year old bald guy.)
What I will suggest is when you do use them, make sure they are just hot enough, but not too hot. Also, use a protective moisturizer for those ends, especially if you have color-treated hair. Also, if you are going to straighten your hair everyday, shampoo and condition it atleast every 2 days (don't have time for a deep conditioner? do a leave-in one), and get regular trims by a barber every 2 to 3 weeks.
I know because you're a guy, these things can sound like a pain, but, it's worth protecting your hair.
Good Luck!
BIs hair straighting (or ironing, something like that) dangerous and harmful for teenage guys? How bad is it?
any heat is damaging,i would use a good conditioner in the shower,use a heat protectant spray on the hair,and use some product after such as paul mitchell gloss drops. or on wet hair paul mitchell super skinny.
just want to keep it nourished.
as far as it being worse on a guy than a girl,i would say no,but i am no expert.
Its going to cause damage no matter if your a girl or a guy. You may want to apply a thermal protector or straightening balm to minimize damage. You can find these products at any store or salon.
the heat can be bad for your hair if you straighten it most days of the week...and you'll know when you start getting split ends. for the most part, as a guy, you are probably cutting your hair fairly often so it really shouldnt be too big a deal
as far as hair loss, like someone else said, unless you are ripping your hair out, there is absolutely no risk of early balding
wow seriously nothing bad will happen and just have fun i have curly hair so i striaght it almost everyday like you
man if you have to straight out your hair for a guy like it must be longer than shoulder length right lols
just have fun
ps always use conditioner
we,us girls know
not dangerous at all. it could damage your hair though if the heat is on too high for your hair type. do you know your hiar type? is it fair, medium, or thick? if fair, low heat, medium, well, medim heat, and thick... well you get the picture. if you really wanna protect your hair, you can get some type of pomade or straightening gel to put on before you straighten your hair
no have fun boy!
Nope your good to go!
why would it be dangerous?
The company wouldnt market the product if they didnt think the consumers were going to use it everyday
Its fine as llong as you dont overprocess your hair...just add conditioner or buy biosilk
It's no better or worse for teenage boys than for anyone else.
Hair straighteners don't cause hair loss. They do, however, use heat to straighten the hair, and this can make it dry and frizzy. You can get a lot of good protective styling sprays to protect the hair while you straighten it; most of these will also help keep your style for longer, too.
Look in your local pharmacy for anything called ';blow drying spray'; or ';protective spray for heat styling';, etc. Not ';hairspray'; - that's a different product!
As long as you are not ';tugging'; on your hair, it is fine. Straighten away!
Using ANY Heated Appliance Too Frequently Over Time, Will Dry And Damage The Hair-Why Do You Want It Straight? Most Girls Like Guys With Curly Locks. Have You Been To A Good Stylist? She Or He Can Show You Some Great Options For Dealing With Curly Hair. Somtimes, Just The Right Cut And Style Can Make All The Difference Between Hair You Think Looks ';Dorky'; And Having The Coolest ';Make Heads Turn'; Style.
How to make a teenage mutant ninja turtles costume?
Me and 3 other friends want to be TMNT for halloween. We are all in college so we dont want to buy some $200 costume from a store. How can we make them.. any tips?How to make a teenage mutant ninja turtles costume?
Green sweatsuits, fabric in appropriate colors (buy t-shirts from a thrift shop and cut them up) green face paint (or, for proper proportions paper mache some masks and paint them) for weapons nunchucks, swords and sais can be purchased at a dollar store, for the staff go to a hardware store and buy a wooden dowel. For shells find some of those round sleds in green (or paint with plastic-friendly spray paint) or look around for those turtle sandboxes (might be tough to find this time of year though) poke some holes and attach with rope.How to make a teenage mutant ninja turtles costume?
I am going as Michelangelo and got all my stuff at the dollar store. I bought two bristol boards (yellow and green) to make the front and back shell, cut into ovals. Then be sure to draw or paint the pattern of a shell on them. I am using orange garland instead of fabric, but fabric works too for the head piece. Face paint is a necessity. I am using pantyhose as a belt. Just cut them in half and attach where you find appropriate to tie it. Then green yarn to attach the two board and sling over shoulders.
Target has TMNT costumes for 20 bucks each....
Green sweatsuits, fabric in appropriate colors (buy t-shirts from a thrift shop and cut them up) green face paint (or, for proper proportions paper mache some masks and paint them) for weapons nunchucks, swords and sais can be purchased at a dollar store, for the staff go to a hardware store and buy a wooden dowel. For shells find some of those round sleds in green (or paint with plastic-friendly spray paint) or look around for those turtle sandboxes (might be tough to find this time of year though) poke some holes and attach with rope.How to make a teenage mutant ninja turtles costume?
I am going as Michelangelo and got all my stuff at the dollar store. I bought two bristol boards (yellow and green) to make the front and back shell, cut into ovals. Then be sure to draw or paint the pattern of a shell on them. I am using orange garland instead of fabric, but fabric works too for the head piece. Face paint is a necessity. I am using pantyhose as a belt. Just cut them in half and attach where you find appropriate to tie it. Then green yarn to attach the two board and sling over shoulders.
Target has TMNT costumes for 20 bucks each....
Would Christians still be ok with Sarah Palin if she had a gay son instead of an unmarried teenage daughter?
I always thought Christians were against teen pregnancy and homosexuality.
Now that they have lightened up a bit on teen pregnancy, can a reluctant acceptance of gays be far behind?Would Christians still be ok with Sarah Palin if she had a gay son instead of an unmarried teenage daughter?
Does Dick cheneys gay daughter cause you to like him more or less?
tGod blessWould Christians still be ok with Sarah Palin if she had a gay son instead of an unmarried teenage daughter?
Loving your daughter who stumbled and sinned in no way makes for acceptance of her sin. OK so Sarah's daughter made a mistake %26amp; sinned, commiting fornication . Let you who is without sin cast the first stone at her. Christians are commanded to forgive. Should we consider saying that fornication or homosexuality is OK with us because someone in our family has stumbled therein. Not at all. Forgiving is not condoning . What Sarah Palin's daughter did or a hypothetical homosexual son does has nothing to do with Sarah Palin's walk with God, character or her credibility. Since the liberal mainstream media can't find any dirt on Sarah they will go to no end to dig up dirt on her family. It's typical of secular progressives and atheists to support Obama who also claims to be a Christian( one who votes for abortion, yeah right! ) The Sec' Progressives know that Obama is only claiming Christ to get votes . But with Palin they see the real thing, a real commited born again Christian and they hate her and fear her for it. Talk about hypocricy! Talk about a double standard. How soon do you liberals forget one of the most immoral Presidents we ever had . Depends on what the meaning of is is. Indeed! Fornication adultery and homosexuality are all equal sexual sins which all can be forgiven. Shall you throw stones at a fornicator because her Mom is a Christian and running for office and not throw stones at an adulterer like Bill Clinton or a homosexual like Barny Frank? who are already in office? God bless Sarah Palin and her family
Sometimes there is only so much we can do to control our children. It's not like we can lock them up once they hit their teen years. The best thing that we can do is teach them what is right, how to make wise decisions, how to be their own person and not just a little Mommy and Daddy clone, and leave the rest up to God.-- All the while giving them the love and support that they need.
Dick has never claimed to be a devout evangelical christian.
Besides, haven't you heard? It's ok to have out of wedlock babies at the age of 17 if the tax payers don't have to pay for it...
Of course... it's not ok if your last name is Spears.
Sex before marriage is a CHOICE.
Homosexuality isn't.
Yes! Don't you remember a mean old man named Dick Cheney and his lesbian daughter?
Just think, if McCain is elected and then dies in office, the U.S. will be known for having the hottest leader in the world!
We are never okay with ungodliness..However we are understanding of mistakes ~ People of every walk of life makes those every day !
She wouldn't have a gay son....that's not allowed.
Just like teen pregnancy isn't allowed.
Welcome to the real world Palin and her fellow Christians.
Only if some other guy got him pregnant.
Those that are ok with her would not hold a gay son against her. Why would they?
You do know Dick Cheney's daughter is gay, right?
Now that they have lightened up a bit on teen pregnancy, can a reluctant acceptance of gays be far behind?Would Christians still be ok with Sarah Palin if she had a gay son instead of an unmarried teenage daughter?
Does Dick cheneys gay daughter cause you to like him more or less?
tGod blessWould Christians still be ok with Sarah Palin if she had a gay son instead of an unmarried teenage daughter?
Loving your daughter who stumbled and sinned in no way makes for acceptance of her sin. OK so Sarah's daughter made a mistake %26amp; sinned, commiting fornication . Let you who is without sin cast the first stone at her. Christians are commanded to forgive. Should we consider saying that fornication or homosexuality is OK with us because someone in our family has stumbled therein. Not at all. Forgiving is not condoning . What Sarah Palin's daughter did or a hypothetical homosexual son does has nothing to do with Sarah Palin's walk with God, character or her credibility. Since the liberal mainstream media can't find any dirt on Sarah they will go to no end to dig up dirt on her family. It's typical of secular progressives and atheists to support Obama who also claims to be a Christian( one who votes for abortion, yeah right! ) The Sec' Progressives know that Obama is only claiming Christ to get votes . But with Palin they see the real thing, a real commited born again Christian and they hate her and fear her for it. Talk about hypocricy! Talk about a double standard. How soon do you liberals forget one of the most immoral Presidents we ever had . Depends on what the meaning of is is. Indeed! Fornication adultery and homosexuality are all equal sexual sins which all can be forgiven. Shall you throw stones at a fornicator because her Mom is a Christian and running for office and not throw stones at an adulterer like Bill Clinton or a homosexual like Barny Frank? who are already in office? God bless Sarah Palin and her family
Sometimes there is only so much we can do to control our children. It's not like we can lock them up once they hit their teen years. The best thing that we can do is teach them what is right, how to make wise decisions, how to be their own person and not just a little Mommy and Daddy clone, and leave the rest up to God.-- All the while giving them the love and support that they need.
Dick has never claimed to be a devout evangelical christian.
Besides, haven't you heard? It's ok to have out of wedlock babies at the age of 17 if the tax payers don't have to pay for it...
Of course... it's not ok if your last name is Spears.
Sex before marriage is a CHOICE.
Homosexuality isn't.
Yes! Don't you remember a mean old man named Dick Cheney and his lesbian daughter?
Just think, if McCain is elected and then dies in office, the U.S. will be known for having the hottest leader in the world!
We are never okay with ungodliness..However we are understanding of mistakes ~ People of every walk of life makes those every day !
She wouldn't have a gay son....that's not allowed.
Just like teen pregnancy isn't allowed.
Welcome to the real world Palin and her fellow Christians.
Only if some other guy got him pregnant.
Those that are ok with her would not hold a gay son against her. Why would they?
You do know Dick Cheney's daughter is gay, right?
How many of you out there think they can control their teenage children's sexuality.?
And if you cannot does that make you a bad parent?How many of you out there think they can control their teenage children's sexuality.?
I don't have teenage kids, but I know my parents had absolutely no chance of controlling mine. Mind you, I was brought up in a strict Irish Catholic (not diluted, either, but off the boat Irish) household where no-one said anything about 'birds and bees' and the only communication my father and I ever had about sex was when he left an old yellowed book called 'The Difficult Commandment' by my bed. I would have been 15 when he did that. I hadn't had sex, but I'd been navigating my way around the female body for about a year at that point.
Honestly, I don't think people can really CONTROL another human's lust, outside of medication. But I'd like to think that communicating will at least lead to a certain awareness of responsibility, if not responsibility itself.
Because this is around the current Palin family situation, I think it's best left to the Palin family. I'd like to think it'll lead supporters on both sides to back off on the smears in general...but I know that won't happen.How many of you out there think they can control their teenage children's sexuality.?
I don't think the idea is to ';control'; our teenaged children's sexuality. I think teenagers need to be able to take control of their own sexuality. I think it is a parents' job to teach their children (beginning well before they are teenagers) about sexuality in an age appropriate way. Denying that sexuality exists for teenagers is one way to keep our own heads in the sand and let the outside world have whatever influence it can on our children. Children who learn about sexuality ';from the street'; will show their parents just how important talking to their teens can be.
I don't think it necessarily makes you a bad parent. The same can be said about parents of kids who use drugs and alcohol and/or get bad grades in school.
That said, the smallest of flubs can derail a candidate for office. It's not fair, but it's true. Palin is going to struggle with the same thing that Obama has: so few people really know her or her views, and that gives her opponents/mistakes more power in defining her. Again, this isn't fair, but it's American politics.
The fact that Palin's daughter is pregnant is not going to help McCain. It would be the same if Biden's son was busted for driving under the influence or something.
You can't be there 24/7. It's impossible. However, think about where this girl was having sex and when. Was she telling them she was somewhere else, or did they just not ask because ';she wouldn't have sex?'; We don't know which of these categories Sarah and her husband fall under, so though I don't like Sarah as a VP candidate, I think that we can't judge her without knowing the situation completely.
I think that birth control is a very important issue and I think that the fact that McCain voted against requiring insurance companies to cover birth control, and the fact that she doesn't believe in birth control should be an issue.
I have learned one thing - I can try and wear myself out trying to - but I cannot ';control'; that. I have even tried to solicit help from her boyfriend's parents - and they have a more liberal view than I do - which makes that a losing battle. She understands the consequences - and assures me she 's not sexually active - and I can only pray she's being honest. But no, I cannot control it.
We have shared our values with her - we have read many current books on the subject and she has learned abstience/sex education in our public school.
That I cannot ';control'; doesn't make me a bad parent - she is resp. for her decisions that she makes that I am either aware of or behind my back. I honestly feel that I did my part in instructing her.
You can't control all of their behavior but you can educate them yourself about birth control and s.t.d.s.
That is what a good parent does in today's world if they care about their child.
What if that daughter of hers had not gotten pregnant but had gotten aids instead because of unprotected sex?
Doesn't matter. Palin is walking around talking about Family Values and what a wonderful mother she is and it turns out she isn't.
Forcing her daugher to get married at 17!!!!
Leaving her special needs baby with someone else???
This has nothing to do with controlling your teenager, this has to do with pretending you are someone you aren't!
Ignoring basic sex education b/c of your religion does not make for good parenting. Palin doesn't believe in any birth control methods and only teaches her children abstinence.....that makes her irresponsible...not necessarily a bad parent. The Palin's homeschooled their children....and had every opportunity to teach their children about sex education.
The answer to your question........
Every single or married person who does not, nor has ever had teenagers!
they have great 'advice'........but until they live through it, they will never know how lucky they are if their children make it through the teen years without getting in some kind of trouble.
I am the father of two girls, both women now but in their younger days they knew right from wrong and what was expected of them. Children will rise to your level of expectation if you set clear goals.
In todays world, it would be very hard, unless you home teach, and watch them closely, Too many parents are too liberal, and want the kids to experience it all, and that's the problem in todays world, sad indeed!!!
All of the Dems are in control of their children's sex life. When their kid gets knocked up they set up the appointment at the women's clinic.
Yes, teach them about birth control because if you don't they will get pregnant and that makes you a bad parent
Teach them about the dangers of AIDS.
Otherwise, you are a bad parent.
no, girls are supposed to have their first child between 12-15
I don't have teenage kids, but I know my parents had absolutely no chance of controlling mine. Mind you, I was brought up in a strict Irish Catholic (not diluted, either, but off the boat Irish) household where no-one said anything about 'birds and bees' and the only communication my father and I ever had about sex was when he left an old yellowed book called 'The Difficult Commandment' by my bed. I would have been 15 when he did that. I hadn't had sex, but I'd been navigating my way around the female body for about a year at that point.
Honestly, I don't think people can really CONTROL another human's lust, outside of medication. But I'd like to think that communicating will at least lead to a certain awareness of responsibility, if not responsibility itself.
Because this is around the current Palin family situation, I think it's best left to the Palin family. I'd like to think it'll lead supporters on both sides to back off on the smears in general...but I know that won't happen.How many of you out there think they can control their teenage children's sexuality.?
I don't think the idea is to ';control'; our teenaged children's sexuality. I think teenagers need to be able to take control of their own sexuality. I think it is a parents' job to teach their children (beginning well before they are teenagers) about sexuality in an age appropriate way. Denying that sexuality exists for teenagers is one way to keep our own heads in the sand and let the outside world have whatever influence it can on our children. Children who learn about sexuality ';from the street'; will show their parents just how important talking to their teens can be.
I don't think it necessarily makes you a bad parent. The same can be said about parents of kids who use drugs and alcohol and/or get bad grades in school.
That said, the smallest of flubs can derail a candidate for office. It's not fair, but it's true. Palin is going to struggle with the same thing that Obama has: so few people really know her or her views, and that gives her opponents/mistakes more power in defining her. Again, this isn't fair, but it's American politics.
The fact that Palin's daughter is pregnant is not going to help McCain. It would be the same if Biden's son was busted for driving under the influence or something.
You can't be there 24/7. It's impossible. However, think about where this girl was having sex and when. Was she telling them she was somewhere else, or did they just not ask because ';she wouldn't have sex?'; We don't know which of these categories Sarah and her husband fall under, so though I don't like Sarah as a VP candidate, I think that we can't judge her without knowing the situation completely.
I think that birth control is a very important issue and I think that the fact that McCain voted against requiring insurance companies to cover birth control, and the fact that she doesn't believe in birth control should be an issue.
I have learned one thing - I can try and wear myself out trying to - but I cannot ';control'; that. I have even tried to solicit help from her boyfriend's parents - and they have a more liberal view than I do - which makes that a losing battle. She understands the consequences - and assures me she 's not sexually active - and I can only pray she's being honest. But no, I cannot control it.
We have shared our values with her - we have read many current books on the subject and she has learned abstience/sex education in our public school.
That I cannot ';control'; doesn't make me a bad parent - she is resp. for her decisions that she makes that I am either aware of or behind my back. I honestly feel that I did my part in instructing her.
You can't control all of their behavior but you can educate them yourself about birth control and s.t.d.s.
That is what a good parent does in today's world if they care about their child.
What if that daughter of hers had not gotten pregnant but had gotten aids instead because of unprotected sex?
Doesn't matter. Palin is walking around talking about Family Values and what a wonderful mother she is and it turns out she isn't.
Forcing her daugher to get married at 17!!!!
Leaving her special needs baby with someone else???
This has nothing to do with controlling your teenager, this has to do with pretending you are someone you aren't!
Ignoring basic sex education b/c of your religion does not make for good parenting. Palin doesn't believe in any birth control methods and only teaches her children abstinence.....that makes her irresponsible...not necessarily a bad parent. The Palin's homeschooled their children....and had every opportunity to teach their children about sex education.
The answer to your question........
Every single or married person who does not, nor has ever had teenagers!
they have great 'advice'........but until they live through it, they will never know how lucky they are if their children make it through the teen years without getting in some kind of trouble.
I am the father of two girls, both women now but in their younger days they knew right from wrong and what was expected of them. Children will rise to your level of expectation if you set clear goals.
In todays world, it would be very hard, unless you home teach, and watch them closely, Too many parents are too liberal, and want the kids to experience it all, and that's the problem in todays world, sad indeed!!!
All of the Dems are in control of their children's sex life. When their kid gets knocked up they set up the appointment at the women's clinic.
Yes, teach them about birth control because if you don't they will get pregnant and that makes you a bad parent
Teach them about the dangers of AIDS.
Otherwise, you are a bad parent.
no, girls are supposed to have their first child between 12-15
I am tweleve years old and i think i suffer from teenage depression what are the symptons?
these are my symptons:
crying everyday
cutting my wrists
veryy angryy
sudden outburst if tears
thinking about sucidial attempts
thinking about running away
hating life
wanting to die
planning my funeral
if it is signs of teenage depression what should i do because i don't want to tell my doctor because he and my mum are good friends and i want it to be confidential also because my mum doesn't believe me and jokes around about it. thanks for your help.I am tweleve years old and i think i suffer from teenage depression what are the symptons? Hope this helps xI am tweleve years old and i think i suffer from teenage depression what are the symptons?
therpie ??
crying everyday
cutting my wrists
veryy angryy
sudden outburst if tears
thinking about sucidial attempts
thinking about running away
hating life
wanting to die
planning my funeral
if it is signs of teenage depression what should i do because i don't want to tell my doctor because he and my mum are good friends and i want it to be confidential also because my mum doesn't believe me and jokes around about it. thanks for your help.I am tweleve years old and i think i suffer from teenage depression what are the symptons? Hope this helps xI am tweleve years old and i think i suffer from teenage depression what are the symptons?
therpie ??
I need ideas for an international fancy dress costume for a teenage girl?
The costume needs to be easy, could be any country and suitable for a teenage girlI need ideas for an international fancy dress costume for a teenage girl?
Cowgirl from USA
Red Indian
Geisha Girl - Japan
Cleopatra - Egypt鈥?/a>I need ideas for an international fancy dress costume for a teenage girl?
An easy option would be just to dress in a country's flag colours....
You could be like a flamenco dancer from spain and wear a cool dress, or a hawaiian girl, like with a hula skirt and flowery necklace thing!
If i think of anything better, i'll edit..
Cowgirl from USA
Red Indian
Geisha Girl - Japan
Cleopatra - Egypt鈥?/a>I need ideas for an international fancy dress costume for a teenage girl?
An easy option would be just to dress in a country's flag colours....
You could be like a flamenco dancer from spain and wear a cool dress, or a hawaiian girl, like with a hula skirt and flowery necklace thing!
If i think of anything better, i'll edit..
What are some easy teenage songs I could do for the talent show?
I'm in middle school so please make this appropriate! Thanks!What are some easy teenage songs I could do for the talent show?
Popcorn- See you again by Miley (Bear in mind you may get booed off the stage. But I would applaud)
Little spicier- Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar.
Spicier Still- Big Spender by Peggy Lee.
Bringin' Down the House- Superfreak by Rick James.
What are some easy teenage songs I could do for the talent show?
Okay this song may be a little dificult, but it would win big if you put effort.
Strong enough by Staci orrico
Anything by Colbie Calliet or Jordin Sparks
Define what you mean by DO
like play, lipsync, dance to, what
Popcorn- See you again by Miley (Bear in mind you may get booed off the stage. But I would applaud)
Little spicier- Heartbreaker by Pat Benatar.
Spicier Still- Big Spender by Peggy Lee.
Bringin' Down the House- Superfreak by Rick James.
What are some easy teenage songs I could do for the talent show?
Okay this song may be a little dificult, but it would win big if you put effort.
Strong enough by Staci orrico
Anything by Colbie Calliet or Jordin Sparks
Define what you mean by DO
like play, lipsync, dance to, what
What is the perfect weight for a 5 foot 2 inch teenage girl?
i am 15 years old and 135 pounds...i dont know how much more to lose to be the perfect size.What is the perfect weight for a 5 foot 2 inch teenage girl?
According to the table of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
healthy weights for women of height 5 -2';
Small frame --105 to 113 lbs
Medium frame-110 to 123 lbs.
Large frame--118 to 135 lbs
- so see according to your body frame.What is the perfect weight for a 5 foot 2 inch teenage girl?
According to the BMI (Body Mass Index) scale, a normal weight for a 5'2'; female would be 101.2 lbs - 136.2 lbs. Of course this does not take into account fat to muscle ratio so it could be off a little bit.
anywhere from
depending on muscle and body structure
sounds like you perfect already, normal for any frame 5'2'' is between 120-140, the smallest you should weigh is 120.
15 yrs your body still want more to grow up your parts,,, dont worry now
you should be worry when you get 24+
be choppy it look better for a teen,
It really depends on body type and if your going through puberty. Talk to you doctor on what would be your ';normal'; weight right now.
i am 5feet and 2 inches and i weight 115 pounds.
Any where from 101 lbs to 136 lbs is normal healthy weight for your height!makeup trends cosmetics makeup
According to the table of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
healthy weights for women of height 5 -2';
Small frame --105 to 113 lbs
Medium frame-110 to 123 lbs.
Large frame--118 to 135 lbs
- so see according to your body frame.What is the perfect weight for a 5 foot 2 inch teenage girl?
According to the BMI (Body Mass Index) scale, a normal weight for a 5'2'; female would be 101.2 lbs - 136.2 lbs. Of course this does not take into account fat to muscle ratio so it could be off a little bit.
anywhere from
depending on muscle and body structure
sounds like you perfect already, normal for any frame 5'2'' is between 120-140, the smallest you should weigh is 120.
15 yrs your body still want more to grow up your parts,,, dont worry now
you should be worry when you get 24+
be choppy it look better for a teen,
It really depends on body type and if your going through puberty. Talk to you doctor on what would be your ';normal'; weight right now.
i am 5feet and 2 inches and i weight 115 pounds.
Any where from 101 lbs to 136 lbs is normal healthy weight for your height!
Is it normal for teenage girls to masturbate?
only one of my friends and i talk about it... but i have done it but idk if anyone else does. i like it but i kinda feel ashamed after doing it. is there anything i should try for more pleasure?
i know its a weird question lol. just go with the flow. im in high school btw.Is it normal for teenage girls to masturbate?
Masturbation is a great way of giving yourself sexual pleasure, getting to know your body and what you like sexually, or just to burn off some sexual tension. It's also completely harmless, and can give you a lot of sexual pleasure without the risk of pregnancy or getting a sexually transmitted infection.
These days, most people don't see masturbation as ';wrong';, provided it's done privately. Masturbating is a great outlet for your body's sexual responses, but you're free to practice it or not. It's your choice, and it's completely up to you. If your comfortable with it and you want to masturbate, do it. The truth is, each person is different and each person has to decide for themselves how they feel about it. But one thing you should know is that masturbation is VERY common and isn't going to harm you.Is it normal for teenage girls to masturbate?
girls and guys aren't really that different in that department, although most guys happen to do it more often, girls masterbate as well, its just something everbody does, like hitting puberty, and honestly dont be embarassed or w/e, cuz the funny thing is everybody who does it, thinks tha something is really wrong with them, by coming out and asking something like this, not only are you getting feedback, but other girls just like you :)
I believe that it is completely normal for teenage girls or women to masturbate. I feel that women who do are more intuitive of there body and when they finally have sex, they will know how they want to be touched and where. When you masturbate, you will know what turns you on and what doesn't!!
Yes, it's perfectly normal! Don't feel ashamed about it.
In fact, I had this conversation with my boyfriend the other day... and I do it just as much as him or any normal guy, according to him. As long as it's not actually interfering with your life, it's fine.
I think its totally normal, I'm 21, never had sex but I've been masturbating since I was 13. It definitely opens you mind to sex and peoples ideas of it. Masturbating isn't harmful and if your ok with it keep it going. PS. Try a removable showerhead or a regular bath faucet.
You are perfectly normal. I don't think I would go around school and talking openly about it with your other friends. High school can be cruel, but I don't have conversations about it with my girlfriends (and yes they are true FRIENDS, if they were girlfriends then they would be doing it with me lol)and I'm 25. Have fun shut your door and enjoy being young.
go for it!
ya its fine
so many people do it
i feal ashamed but u shouldnt i mean its not a sin or anything
for more pleasure try a vibrator that stimulates the clitoris and the G spot at the same time. That will really get u going so much that u could have multiple orgasms. Good luck
It's completly normal and healthy!
It helps you get to know your body.
That way if you decide to be sexually active you know what feels good to your body.
Masterbation is completely normal, natural and healthy.
Go for it!
Masturbation is the safest sex you'll ever have. Enjoy and don't feel guilty!!!
It is completely normal and even healthy for you to do because it can relieve sexual urges without any risk of pregnancy or stds
yes it is normal its safer then sex
It's complete normal, without any risk of pregnancy or stds. You need to be careful with them.
Yup. And adult women, too.
Masturbating is a healthy part of female sexuality - it gives you pleasure but it also helps you explore your own body and learn what arouses you and how you like to be touched.
There are all kinds of methods you can use to masturbate; old fashioned 'digital manipulation' (hands and fingers) is great; you might also want to try using sex toys or a vibrator, although not every woman does and you don't need to if you're quite happy as you are.
No need to be embarassed. The dark ages of women feeling as though they had to be ashamed or apologetic about their sexualities are over.
its normal, but is is a least in most denominations
i know its a weird question lol. just go with the flow. im in high school btw.Is it normal for teenage girls to masturbate?
Masturbation is a great way of giving yourself sexual pleasure, getting to know your body and what you like sexually, or just to burn off some sexual tension. It's also completely harmless, and can give you a lot of sexual pleasure without the risk of pregnancy or getting a sexually transmitted infection.
These days, most people don't see masturbation as ';wrong';, provided it's done privately. Masturbating is a great outlet for your body's sexual responses, but you're free to practice it or not. It's your choice, and it's completely up to you. If your comfortable with it and you want to masturbate, do it. The truth is, each person is different and each person has to decide for themselves how they feel about it. But one thing you should know is that masturbation is VERY common and isn't going to harm you.Is it normal for teenage girls to masturbate?
girls and guys aren't really that different in that department, although most guys happen to do it more often, girls masterbate as well, its just something everbody does, like hitting puberty, and honestly dont be embarassed or w/e, cuz the funny thing is everybody who does it, thinks tha something is really wrong with them, by coming out and asking something like this, not only are you getting feedback, but other girls just like you :)
I believe that it is completely normal for teenage girls or women to masturbate. I feel that women who do are more intuitive of there body and when they finally have sex, they will know how they want to be touched and where. When you masturbate, you will know what turns you on and what doesn't!!
Yes, it's perfectly normal! Don't feel ashamed about it.
In fact, I had this conversation with my boyfriend the other day... and I do it just as much as him or any normal guy, according to him. As long as it's not actually interfering with your life, it's fine.
I think its totally normal, I'm 21, never had sex but I've been masturbating since I was 13. It definitely opens you mind to sex and peoples ideas of it. Masturbating isn't harmful and if your ok with it keep it going. PS. Try a removable showerhead or a regular bath faucet.
You are perfectly normal. I don't think I would go around school and talking openly about it with your other friends. High school can be cruel, but I don't have conversations about it with my girlfriends (and yes they are true FRIENDS, if they were girlfriends then they would be doing it with me lol)and I'm 25. Have fun shut your door and enjoy being young.
go for it!
ya its fine
so many people do it
i feal ashamed but u shouldnt i mean its not a sin or anything
for more pleasure try a vibrator that stimulates the clitoris and the G spot at the same time. That will really get u going so much that u could have multiple orgasms. Good luck
It's completly normal and healthy!
It helps you get to know your body.
That way if you decide to be sexually active you know what feels good to your body.
Masterbation is completely normal, natural and healthy.
Go for it!
Masturbation is the safest sex you'll ever have. Enjoy and don't feel guilty!!!
It is completely normal and even healthy for you to do because it can relieve sexual urges without any risk of pregnancy or stds
yes it is normal its safer then sex
It's complete normal, without any risk of pregnancy or stds. You need to be careful with them.
Yup. And adult women, too.
Masturbating is a healthy part of female sexuality - it gives you pleasure but it also helps you explore your own body and learn what arouses you and how you like to be touched.
There are all kinds of methods you can use to masturbate; old fashioned 'digital manipulation' (hands and fingers) is great; you might also want to try using sex toys or a vibrator, although not every woman does and you don't need to if you're quite happy as you are.
No need to be embarassed. The dark ages of women feeling as though they had to be ashamed or apologetic about their sexualities are over.
its normal, but is is a least in most denominations
Why do you think teenage pregnancy is such a big issue nowadays?
what actions should be taken to help lower the number of pregnant teenagers?Why do you think teenage pregnancy is such a big issue nowadays?
I think its because rather then teaching safe sex parents and teachers and such stress no sex. So many teens come on here asking how to get birth control pills because their parents dont want them on it......WHAT! My mom had me on the pill at 15 when I got my first real boyfriend. She told me she would prefer me not having sex at that age, but I will make my own choices and she wanted me to be prepared. They bought my brother condoms too just to be safe. Telling teens not to have sex is not going to help. Teaching them how and why to have safe sex could make a huge differenceWhy do you think teenage pregnancy is such a big issue nowadays?
Yesss! I can't even stress the importance of sex education. If teenagers were more aware of the consequences of having sex at an early age, they're wouldn't be pregnant teenagers everywhere. Parents don't like having the ';talk'; so they avoid it. If teenagers learned the use of a contraceptive or abstinence, they'd be more educated before making an adult decision. I always tell my pregnant teenager friends that they need to act like an adult now because someone is depending on them and that's the scariest part of being a teen mom is growing up in a short amount of time.
Teenage pregnancy rates have actually gone down by quite a margin in the last ten years. It's been cut almost in half. Divorce rates have also gone down so I wonder if the two are connected in some way. I think the key factors in determining this rate drop have been better sex education in schools, availability of contraceptives and condoms without an age limit, and better education provided to parents on teaching you kids about sex education.
There is plenty of room for improvement.
By the way, to the girl above me: Everybody ALWAYS has the right to express their opinions. This is a free country. But kudos to actually raising your child on your own. The problem with teen pregnancy is that kids can't raise babies on their own usually. At least not without extra help and without losing out on a better future for both you and your child.
There are many reasons why but the main one is that it has become accepted and 'cool' to disobey and disrespect authority. Teens are told not to do something they do the opposite. And I think thats insane. We all were given parents by God to aid us in our growth and maturing not hinder us. I'm 15 and have no desire to even have a boyfriend right now. My parents have always told me the getting phsyical with a guy at all outside of marriage is not right. I 100% agree with them and so does the Bible. It's says that God has designed a Phsycial relationship for married couples, not hormonal teens! Some people have different views, I understand that. But the bottom line is teens are getting pregnant because thats what society is telling them to do. More then half of the advertising companies will openly admit that they put improperly dressed women and men on their shows and comercials to get peoples attention. On the Today show one advertising comittee said flat put they think like this, sex sells. Our society has come to accept this not reject it like we should. In the 1920's people who had sex outside of marriage where shinned by the community. Now they're welcmed with open arms. Times have changed. I, again have nothing against any teen girl who becomes pregnant. If anything I feel bad for them and desire to help them in any way I can. It's not totally their fault, they're the ones being deceived by satans lies. A lot of it comes back to how they were raised. I just think society should do something
to prevent it, not promote it.
Another big issue is the lie the media tells girls that they have to have a boyfriend, be skinny, and have the right clothes or they're worth nothing. So girls go out and get a boyfriend. They want to be popular. Popularity only gets you so far. It's not gonna get you a job, a house, a car, or eternal life. It only lasts for a second. Just like the thrill of having a boyfriend at 15 or 16. It doesn't usually last.
To all the girls: don't believe the lies! Satan is a master deceiver! I hope that you all realize you don't need a boyfriend and you don't need to have sex or be popular to be beautiful. God hand crafted each and every one of us. We are all beautiflu in his eyes! Plus girls we need to show those guys we don't need them to survive. I know it's a scary truth but we can muttle through without them. And we can come out on top!
Girls are constantly put under pressure. Simple solution: take the pressure off, teen pregnancy rate goes down.
I hope that helps! :)
You'd think that people are used to teen pregnancy by now... But people will always be judgmental and will probably never agree with teen pregnancy. The way I see it, people may look at me funny, but in reality I am the one who is going to raise my son, not them. They have no right to even express an opinion. = ]
I think it starts way early in the home. In the home it's where everything belongs and everything finishes if you know what I mean. I think if they're sex educated, they would know and use it. i know of ppl that still know and still go and do it and come home ';oh no'; and that's because they think it wont happen to them. I believe at home is where everything could be prevented.
i blame abstinance-only sex ed. if PROPER sex ed was taught, then perhaps teens would be more responsible. also, if birth control was more widely available, and parents weren't so goddamn skiddish when it comes to ';the birds and the bees'; then perhaps that would also contribute.
A good home life. Strong values. Being able to talk openly to parents and get honest answers from them. These are actions to help lower the #. Parents need to know where there teenagers are, and who they are with. FAMILY SUPPORT!
I don't think it's a big issue anymore, it seems the norm, in my opinion.
Simply, because it goes against societys ';norms';. What was normal 100 yrs ago is now taboo
no money
too many people in the world. less of a life span for people.... against religions...
I think its because rather then teaching safe sex parents and teachers and such stress no sex. So many teens come on here asking how to get birth control pills because their parents dont want them on it......WHAT! My mom had me on the pill at 15 when I got my first real boyfriend. She told me she would prefer me not having sex at that age, but I will make my own choices and she wanted me to be prepared. They bought my brother condoms too just to be safe. Telling teens not to have sex is not going to help. Teaching them how and why to have safe sex could make a huge differenceWhy do you think teenage pregnancy is such a big issue nowadays?
Yesss! I can't even stress the importance of sex education. If teenagers were more aware of the consequences of having sex at an early age, they're wouldn't be pregnant teenagers everywhere. Parents don't like having the ';talk'; so they avoid it. If teenagers learned the use of a contraceptive or abstinence, they'd be more educated before making an adult decision. I always tell my pregnant teenager friends that they need to act like an adult now because someone is depending on them and that's the scariest part of being a teen mom is growing up in a short amount of time.
Teenage pregnancy rates have actually gone down by quite a margin in the last ten years. It's been cut almost in half. Divorce rates have also gone down so I wonder if the two are connected in some way. I think the key factors in determining this rate drop have been better sex education in schools, availability of contraceptives and condoms without an age limit, and better education provided to parents on teaching you kids about sex education.
There is plenty of room for improvement.
By the way, to the girl above me: Everybody ALWAYS has the right to express their opinions. This is a free country. But kudos to actually raising your child on your own. The problem with teen pregnancy is that kids can't raise babies on their own usually. At least not without extra help and without losing out on a better future for both you and your child.
There are many reasons why but the main one is that it has become accepted and 'cool' to disobey and disrespect authority. Teens are told not to do something they do the opposite. And I think thats insane. We all were given parents by God to aid us in our growth and maturing not hinder us. I'm 15 and have no desire to even have a boyfriend right now. My parents have always told me the getting phsyical with a guy at all outside of marriage is not right. I 100% agree with them and so does the Bible. It's says that God has designed a Phsycial relationship for married couples, not hormonal teens! Some people have different views, I understand that. But the bottom line is teens are getting pregnant because thats what society is telling them to do. More then half of the advertising companies will openly admit that they put improperly dressed women and men on their shows and comercials to get peoples attention. On the Today show one advertising comittee said flat put they think like this, sex sells. Our society has come to accept this not reject it like we should. In the 1920's people who had sex outside of marriage where shinned by the community. Now they're welcmed with open arms. Times have changed. I, again have nothing against any teen girl who becomes pregnant. If anything I feel bad for them and desire to help them in any way I can. It's not totally their fault, they're the ones being deceived by satans lies. A lot of it comes back to how they were raised. I just think society should do something
to prevent it, not promote it.
Another big issue is the lie the media tells girls that they have to have a boyfriend, be skinny, and have the right clothes or they're worth nothing. So girls go out and get a boyfriend. They want to be popular. Popularity only gets you so far. It's not gonna get you a job, a house, a car, or eternal life. It only lasts for a second. Just like the thrill of having a boyfriend at 15 or 16. It doesn't usually last.
To all the girls: don't believe the lies! Satan is a master deceiver! I hope that you all realize you don't need a boyfriend and you don't need to have sex or be popular to be beautiful. God hand crafted each and every one of us. We are all beautiflu in his eyes! Plus girls we need to show those guys we don't need them to survive. I know it's a scary truth but we can muttle through without them. And we can come out on top!
Girls are constantly put under pressure. Simple solution: take the pressure off, teen pregnancy rate goes down.
I hope that helps! :)
You'd think that people are used to teen pregnancy by now... But people will always be judgmental and will probably never agree with teen pregnancy. The way I see it, people may look at me funny, but in reality I am the one who is going to raise my son, not them. They have no right to even express an opinion. = ]
I think it starts way early in the home. In the home it's where everything belongs and everything finishes if you know what I mean. I think if they're sex educated, they would know and use it. i know of ppl that still know and still go and do it and come home ';oh no'; and that's because they think it wont happen to them. I believe at home is where everything could be prevented.
i blame abstinance-only sex ed. if PROPER sex ed was taught, then perhaps teens would be more responsible. also, if birth control was more widely available, and parents weren't so goddamn skiddish when it comes to ';the birds and the bees'; then perhaps that would also contribute.
A good home life. Strong values. Being able to talk openly to parents and get honest answers from them. These are actions to help lower the #. Parents need to know where there teenagers are, and who they are with. FAMILY SUPPORT!
I don't think it's a big issue anymore, it seems the norm, in my opinion.
Simply, because it goes against societys ';norms';. What was normal 100 yrs ago is now taboo
no money
too many people in the world. less of a life span for people.... against religions...
How do you get teenage sims to go out on a date?
My sim wants to go out with her boyfriend but i dont know how. i really dont. can anyone tell me how to?How do you get teenage sims to go out on a date?
well , if the relationship is high enough , then when u click on her bf it should say ask . then once u click on ask it should have options click ask on date . then if he accepts then the date meter will appear and then ur on the date . if u want u can stay home or go downtown and go out to dinner , keep the date meter high!
hope this helped .How do you get teenage sims to go out on a date?
If her ';want'; is the ';Go Out (with Sim)'; one,
Then you have to ring them up ';On Date'; or ';Invite to Community Lot'; using the telephone.
Hope this sorts it out!
I'm assuming you just need to get friendly enough with another teenager.
well , if the relationship is high enough , then when u click on her bf it should say ask . then once u click on ask it should have options click ask on date . then if he accepts then the date meter will appear and then ur on the date . if u want u can stay home or go downtown and go out to dinner , keep the date meter high!
hope this helped .How do you get teenage sims to go out on a date?
If her ';want'; is the ';Go Out (with Sim)'; one,
Then you have to ring them up ';On Date'; or ';Invite to Community Lot'; using the telephone.
Hope this sorts it out!
I'm assuming you just need to get friendly enough with another teenager.
What is a good teenage girl book series?
nothing too dark, girly, or simple (definitely NOT Twilight), I've already read the Harry Potter series. I want something to keep me preoccupied.What is a good teenage girl book series?
The Mortal Instruments trilogy by Cassandra Clare
1.City of Bones
2.City of Ashes
3.City of Glass
Wicked Lovely Series by Melissa Marr
1.Wicked Lovely
2.Ink Enchange
3.Fragile Eternity
Wicked series by Nancy Holder and Debbie Vigue
Love is Hell five authors include (Scott Westerfeild, Justine Larbalestier, Laurie Faria Stolarz, Gabrielle Zevin, and Melissa Marr)
Prom Nights from hell five authors include (Stephenie Meyer, Meg Cabot, Kim Harrison, Michele Jaffe, and Lauren Myracle)
Vacations from hell five authors include (Libba Bray, Claudia Gray, Sarah Mlynowski, Maureen Johnson, and Cassandra Clare)
Wake Series by Lisa Mcmann
3.Gone (2010)
Nightworld by L.J. Smith
Sisterhood of the traveling pants by Anne Brashares
Deadly Little secrets series by Laurie Storlaz
1.deadly little secrets
2.deadly little lies ( comes out in december of 2009)
Blue Bloods by Melissa De la Cruz
1.Blue Bloods
4.Van Allen Legacy (october of 2009)
Evermoore by Alison Noel
The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
1.The Luxe
Speak by Laurie Halse AndersonWhat is a good teenage girl book series?
Crank, Glass, Burned, Impulse and Identical by Ellen Hopkins.
The Summoning and The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong.
The Mercy Thompson series; Moon Called, Blood Bound, Iron Kissed and Bone Crossed. Also Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs.
13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher.
Watchers by Dean Koontz.
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz.
Twilight Eyes by Dean Koontz.
Frankenstein series by Dean Koontz.
Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous.
The House of Night series; Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted and soon to come Tempted by P.C and Kristin Cast.
Need by Carrie Jones.
The Mortal Instruments series; City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass by Cassandra Clare.
Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause.
Secret Circle by L.J Smith.
Night World series by L.J Smith.
Vampire Diaries series by L.J Smith.
Wake and Fade by Lisa Mcmann.
The Host by Stephanie Meyer.
The Uglies, Pretties, Specials and Extras by Scott Westerfeld.
Wicked Lovely, Ink Exchange, Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr.
Evermore by Alyson Noel.
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer
haha twilight wasn't great anyway
i adore the inheritance series by christopher paolini. not exactly specifically for girls. the beginning of the first book is a bit slow but it is totally worth it
oh oh and starust by neil gaiman. if you watched the movie and liked it you'd like the book too
The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray
Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard (maybe it's a bit girly, but i has a great, attention gripping plot)
Try the Clique Series, by Lisi Harrison. They're quite good, and very ';girlie';. (:
The Sisterhood of the traveling pants. It sounds like it would be super girly but its not. (These books are so good that I cant put them down until I finish them)
no twilight??!?! dang, thats what i was going to say haha.
well its not a series, but Speak is a really super good book.
The Mortal Instruments trilogy by Cassandra Clare
1.City of Bones
2.City of Ashes
3.City of Glass
Wicked Lovely Series by Melissa Marr
1.Wicked Lovely
2.Ink Enchange
3.Fragile Eternity
Wicked series by Nancy Holder and Debbie Vigue
Love is Hell five authors include (Scott Westerfeild, Justine Larbalestier, Laurie Faria Stolarz, Gabrielle Zevin, and Melissa Marr)
Prom Nights from hell five authors include (Stephenie Meyer, Meg Cabot, Kim Harrison, Michele Jaffe, and Lauren Myracle)
Vacations from hell five authors include (Libba Bray, Claudia Gray, Sarah Mlynowski, Maureen Johnson, and Cassandra Clare)
Wake Series by Lisa Mcmann
3.Gone (2010)
Nightworld by L.J. Smith
Sisterhood of the traveling pants by Anne Brashares
Deadly Little secrets series by Laurie Storlaz
1.deadly little secrets
2.deadly little lies ( comes out in december of 2009)
Blue Bloods by Melissa De la Cruz
1.Blue Bloods
4.Van Allen Legacy (october of 2009)
Evermoore by Alison Noel
The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
1.The Luxe
Speak by Laurie Halse AndersonWhat is a good teenage girl book series?
Crank, Glass, Burned, Impulse and Identical by Ellen Hopkins.
The Summoning and The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong.
The Mercy Thompson series; Moon Called, Blood Bound, Iron Kissed and Bone Crossed. Also Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs.
13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher.
Watchers by Dean Koontz.
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz.
Twilight Eyes by Dean Koontz.
Frankenstein series by Dean Koontz.
Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous.
The House of Night series; Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted and soon to come Tempted by P.C and Kristin Cast.
Need by Carrie Jones.
The Mortal Instruments series; City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass by Cassandra Clare.
Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause.
Secret Circle by L.J Smith.
Night World series by L.J Smith.
Vampire Diaries series by L.J Smith.
Wake and Fade by Lisa Mcmann.
The Host by Stephanie Meyer.
The Uglies, Pretties, Specials and Extras by Scott Westerfeld.
Wicked Lovely, Ink Exchange, Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr.
Evermore by Alyson Noel.
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer
haha twilight wasn't great anyway
i adore the inheritance series by christopher paolini. not exactly specifically for girls. the beginning of the first book is a bit slow but it is totally worth it
oh oh and starust by neil gaiman. if you watched the movie and liked it you'd like the book too
The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray
Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard (maybe it's a bit girly, but i has a great, attention gripping plot)
Try the Clique Series, by Lisi Harrison. They're quite good, and very ';girlie';. (:
The Sisterhood of the traveling pants. It sounds like it would be super girly but its not. (These books are so good that I cant put them down until I finish them)
no twilight??!?! dang, thats what i was going to say haha.
well its not a series, but Speak is a really super good book.
What is a good teenage girl book series?
nothing too dark, girly, or simple (definitely NOT Twilight), I've already read the Harry Potter series. I want something to keep me preoccupied.What is a good teenage girl book series?
The Mortal Instruments trilogy by Cassandra Clare
1.City of Bones
2.City of Ashes
3.City of Glass
Wicked Lovely Series by Melissa Marr
1.Wicked Lovely
2.Ink Enchange
3.Fragile Eternity
Wicked series by Nancy Holder and Debbie Vigue
Love is Hell five authors include (Scott Westerfeild, Justine Larbalestier, Laurie Faria Stolarz, Gabrielle Zevin, and Melissa Marr)
Prom Nights from hell five authors include (Stephenie Meyer, Meg Cabot, Kim Harrison, Michele Jaffe, and Lauren Myracle)
Vacations from hell five authors include (Libba Bray, Claudia Gray, Sarah Mlynowski, Maureen Johnson, and Cassandra Clare)
Wake Series by Lisa Mcmann
3.Gone (2010)
Nightworld by L.J. Smith
Sisterhood of the traveling pants by Anne Brashares
Deadly Little secrets series by Laurie Storlaz
1.deadly little secrets
2.deadly little lies ( comes out in december of 2009)
Blue Bloods by Melissa De la Cruz
1.Blue Bloods
4.Van Allen Legacy (october of 2009)
Evermoore by Alison Noel
The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
1.The Luxe
Speak by Laurie Halse AndersonWhat is a good teenage girl book series?
Crank, Glass, Burned, Impulse and Identical by Ellen Hopkins.
The Summoning and The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong.
The Mercy Thompson series; Moon Called, Blood Bound, Iron Kissed and Bone Crossed. Also Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs.
13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher.
Watchers by Dean Koontz.
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz.
Twilight Eyes by Dean Koontz.
Frankenstein series by Dean Koontz.
Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous.
The House of Night series; Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted and soon to come Tempted by P.C and Kristin Cast.
Need by Carrie Jones.
The Mortal Instruments series; City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass by Cassandra Clare.
Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause.
Secret Circle by L.J Smith.
Night World series by L.J Smith.
Vampire Diaries series by L.J Smith.
Wake and Fade by Lisa Mcmann.
The Host by Stephanie Meyer.
The Uglies, Pretties, Specials and Extras by Scott Westerfeld.
Wicked Lovely, Ink Exchange, Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr.
Evermore by Alyson Noel.
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer
haha twilight wasn't great anyway
i adore the inheritance series by christopher paolini. not exactly specifically for girls. the beginning of the first book is a bit slow but it is totally worth it
oh oh and starust by neil gaiman. if you watched the movie and liked it you'd like the book too
The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray
Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard (maybe it's a bit girly, but i has a great, attention gripping plot)
Try the Clique Series, by Lisi Harrison. They're quite good, and very ';girlie';. (:
The Sisterhood of the traveling pants. It sounds like it would be super girly but its not. (These books are so good that I cant put them down until I finish them)
no twilight??!?! dang, thats what i was going to say haha.
well its not a series, but Speak is a really super good trends cosmetics makeup
The Mortal Instruments trilogy by Cassandra Clare
1.City of Bones
2.City of Ashes
3.City of Glass
Wicked Lovely Series by Melissa Marr
1.Wicked Lovely
2.Ink Enchange
3.Fragile Eternity
Wicked series by Nancy Holder and Debbie Vigue
Love is Hell five authors include (Scott Westerfeild, Justine Larbalestier, Laurie Faria Stolarz, Gabrielle Zevin, and Melissa Marr)
Prom Nights from hell five authors include (Stephenie Meyer, Meg Cabot, Kim Harrison, Michele Jaffe, and Lauren Myracle)
Vacations from hell five authors include (Libba Bray, Claudia Gray, Sarah Mlynowski, Maureen Johnson, and Cassandra Clare)
Wake Series by Lisa Mcmann
3.Gone (2010)
Nightworld by L.J. Smith
Sisterhood of the traveling pants by Anne Brashares
Deadly Little secrets series by Laurie Storlaz
1.deadly little secrets
2.deadly little lies ( comes out in december of 2009)
Blue Bloods by Melissa De la Cruz
1.Blue Bloods
4.Van Allen Legacy (october of 2009)
Evermoore by Alison Noel
The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
1.The Luxe
Speak by Laurie Halse AndersonWhat is a good teenage girl book series?
Crank, Glass, Burned, Impulse and Identical by Ellen Hopkins.
The Summoning and The Awakening by Kelley Armstrong.
The Mercy Thompson series; Moon Called, Blood Bound, Iron Kissed and Bone Crossed. Also Cry Wolf by Patricia Briggs.
13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher.
Watchers by Dean Koontz.
Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz.
Twilight Eyes by Dean Koontz.
Frankenstein series by Dean Koontz.
Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous.
The House of Night series; Marked, Betrayed, Chosen, Untamed, Hunted and soon to come Tempted by P.C and Kristin Cast.
Need by Carrie Jones.
The Mortal Instruments series; City of Bones, City of Ashes, and City of Glass by Cassandra Clare.
Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause.
Secret Circle by L.J Smith.
Night World series by L.J Smith.
Vampire Diaries series by L.J Smith.
Wake and Fade by Lisa Mcmann.
The Host by Stephanie Meyer.
The Uglies, Pretties, Specials and Extras by Scott Westerfeld.
Wicked Lovely, Ink Exchange, Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr.
Evermore by Alyson Noel.
The Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer
haha twilight wasn't great anyway
i adore the inheritance series by christopher paolini. not exactly specifically for girls. the beginning of the first book is a bit slow but it is totally worth it
oh oh and starust by neil gaiman. if you watched the movie and liked it you'd like the book too
The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray
Pretty Little Liars series by Sara Shepard (maybe it's a bit girly, but i has a great, attention gripping plot)
Try the Clique Series, by Lisi Harrison. They're quite good, and very ';girlie';. (:
The Sisterhood of the traveling pants. It sounds like it would be super girly but its not. (These books are so good that I cant put them down until I finish them)
no twilight??!?! dang, thats what i was going to say haha.
well its not a series, but Speak is a really super good book.
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