Saturday, January 9, 2010

Do you have any teenage pregnancy in your family?

I don't know about you people, but this kind of thing has been going on in my family for generations. My mom was 17 when I was born in 69.

Palin's family is a lot like mine. In fact, so is Obama's.

Here is a newsflash: Teenagers do it!

Do you have any teenage pregnancy in your family?

That's why I'm voting against McCain and Palin.

McCain has voted against teen pregnancy programs since he's been in the Senate.


And I think it's very hypocritical of Sarah Palin to be out here running on a platform of abstinence education when she can't even get that concept over to her own daughter.

Like you said, teenagers do it. So that's the wrong platform to run onDo you have any teenage pregnancy in your family?
Sure but that was a different time. I am not dissing the daughter. The point is the Sarah Palin is preaching abstinence and family vaules. Whoa her daughter is knocked up. That's being a hyprocrite. The GOP is built on the bible belt and loving their guns. If Obama's daughter was pregnant, the Right will be on her case too. Look how they are dogging Mrs. Obama about loving America and McCain said I didn't love America unitl held as a prisoner. He didn't get attack like. I have even heard jokes from the Right about Ted Kennedy's brian cancer. So please don't act so inocent now.
NO, not currently but I have been involved with plenty of families that have. I was fairly young when my now ex-wife got pregnant and when my son was born (20 when we found out/ 21 when the child was born)

My cousin was 17 when she got pregnant for the first time. My high school love was born when her mom was only 17. I graduated High School with a girl that had 1 kid and one on the way.

So, like you, I don't see what the big deal is and I don't know why CNN or FOX or CBS thinks this is news worthy and needs repeated on a regular basis.

EDIT: Sahara: ';If I could I would be laughing so hard. We democrats know and understand this. It's why we advocate for a well-rounded sex education program and don't like abstinence only education. It is not realistic because as you say, teenagers will have sex whether we want them to or not. Yes, we know. Hello. It's not a wake up call to us or anything new. But the right has been in fervent denial. They think abstinence only works and it doesn't.';

So are you saying it's only children of Republicans that are getting pregnant as teenagers because the Democratic sex education works...only for Democrats? The bottom line is teenagers do it, educated or not. Just Say NO did not stop the drug problem in America, how will talking about sex to embarassed 14yo prevent everything. All we can do is give them the tools and knowledge, they have to decide to use them. Teenage pregnancy is not a Republican or a Democratic problem, it's an issue with no boundries or sides.
I had my first child at eighteen. I really don't know why the Obama supporters are so outraged and indignant about this. After all, his mother was eighteen and unmarried when he was born (marrying a bigamist, doesn't count). What's the difference? If they say ';family values'; does that mean that Obama's mother had NO ';family values';? Guess so. That would make her.....what? Oh, I know. Just one more unmarried, pregnant teenager.
Yep, they all did and teenagers at that. Oh yeah, me too. Only thing is I don't get publicity because I'm just an ordinary nobody not running for Public Office of what evers. was my mom. she had my sister when she was 17....and now she is 60. my sister that came from that pregnancy was not aborted. she is a college graduate with honors and a teacher.
I'm the result of teenage pregnancy. Things happen. For parents who think, '; My sweet little Susie would NEVER do a thing like that!'; Go ahead and eat crow when you are buying that ';I'm a Grandma'; t-shirt.
Yes, the majority of families have been touched by teenaged pregnancy in one form or another.

It's a fact.

Yea, it's funny how the elitst left is accepting of teenage pregnancy until it works for their agenda.

my oldest son was born when his mom was 17.

our youngest daughter was pregnant at 17 (miscarried)

for me it just proves she is a real person i could relate to..

not a slick polished fraud
It happen to my sis at 17...and we were all raised Catholic. Life happens.
My nephew became a father at 19.
my wife was not married too me and we did it.......
Sure, we all do. But we take issue with Bristol's Momma! She attempted to cover up this preganancy (Note Bristol with the enormous blanket and always on the bus caring for little Trig.)! There is also the alleged abuse of power, $24M in lobbied earmarks, her flip-flop on the Bridge to Nowhere, her lack of national or international exposure or knowledge, the fact that she is on tape saying she has no clue what the VP actually does, that she is also on tape saying she doesn't keep up with the Iraq War, and God knows what else we'll find out now that McCain is vetting her!

';Country First';. Sure, McCain!
If I could I would be laughing so hard. We democrats know and understand this. It's why we advocate for a well-rounded sex education program and don't like abstinence only education. It is not realistic because as you say, teenagers will have sex whether we want them to or not. Yes, we know. Hello. It's not a wake up call to us or anything new. But the right has been in fervent denial. They think abstinence only works and it doesn't. We liberal democrats are in favor of sex education, birth control, abstinence, and more. We know teenagers will do what they want so our aim is to arm them with as much information as makes sense. We hope that they will make a good decision. The best decision they can make is abstinence but it's not realistic for all of them. I'm a liberal democrat and I did not have sex when I was in high school. I am smart and intelligent. I knew what boys were about and I had higher ambitions like going to college. I did. I just finished my masters. I'm living what the right wingers like to preach and I'm not a right winger. I'm a left winger because I live very much in the real world. I have American ideals and values. I recognize them as such.

I don't care if politician's families is like mine. I care about how smart and intelligent they are. I care about how much they know and understand. I care if they have a conscience and what they have to hide. I care if they are willing to work to bring America back to what it's potential is. This is what matters. This is substance.

What you are talking about is just a show. It doesn't matter. At the end of the day it isn't going to help you. It is not going to bring more opportunities your way. It is not going to help you put food on the table or get health care for your family. I think you should try to think about that.

edit: To my knowledge, no one in my family had children as teenagers. My parents didn't. My uncles and aunts didn't. My cousins didn't. My grandparents were married as teenagers but were out of high school.

edit: Palin's daughter risked exposure to an STD. STDs are on the increase. It's a fact. Look it up if you want. Palin's idealism did a serious disservice to her daughter. She should recognize that she is wrong.
HELLO! I just wanted to get your attention, listen Palin talking about abstinence as a value does not make her a hypocrite, she has been on these boards since before her daughter was pregnant. He daughter decided not to take the advice...OH MY GOSH A TEEN NOT LISTEN TO THEIR PARENT...NEVER. The truth is things will be difficult for Palain's daughter, because having a child usually means you have to grow up faster. She will not have the freedoms she would have had as a young college student without ties..don't get me wrong, she will have a beautiful baby that she will not regret, but I bet she will grow up to tell her child to wait until they are married to have sex. Everybody wants something better for their child, and supporting programs that support abstinence does not mean you did it or your kids did it, it means you think it is right and would be better for everybody. My husband and I waited, we will tell our kids to, most of my cousins didn't and had babies out of wedlock...guess what, they will tell their kids to wait. Wake up people it's not hypocriticall unless your an advocate and you individually don't follow what you say.
yea, i did..

my parents weren't paying enough attention to me. I certainly don't regret it now...but it was far from an ideal situation.

My teenagers..they are well versed in knowing how to use birth control

the problem is NOT the teenager, it's that her mother is an Abstinence only advocate, and she has a poster child for the opposite... as a daughter
I have a seventeen year old whose a senior and who has refrained from sex. We have an open relationship, so she and I talk about everything. If she was going to have sex, she would come to me for contraceptives. She also had sex education in school and at home.

and i don't have am other with 5 kids running for VP--if it was my mom--she'd stay home and take care of all of the obvious problems.

let someone more equipped do the job. don't be used as a PAWN.
I don't want your family running the country either. Sad to say I don't see anyone running that I like.

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