Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is it possible to prevent teenage pregnancy?

When I say is it possible to prevent teenage pregnancy, I mean, like is there anything we can do to tell these nasty little girls who wanna act all grown ups to not have sex?

I mean, young girls are popping out babies like it's a new fashion trend.I'm tired of it. You know, theres a pregnant girl in almost every one of my classes! It's horrible. Is it possible to prevent teenage pregnancy?
Preach both protection and abstinence. Tell them if they do do it they should use protection, because there is also STD's. But condums and birth control do not work 100%. Tell them if they REALLY do not want to have a baby or get an STD, like there's no way they could possibly handle it, then they shouldn't have sex at all until they know they're ready for a kid. At the end of the day it will always happen, and there's nothing we can do. Chastity belts are unsanitary, forced sterilization is bound to violate body rights, and punishing pregnant teens legally would just cause more problems and would in my opinion would only exist in some sort of totalitarian society, plus what about the boy who got them pregnant?.

But honestly, don't let other girls who are having babies make you mad. If you're doing what you think is right in your life then that's what matters. Plus you never know, they could have been raped.Is it possible to prevent teenage pregnancy?
Well firstly it isn't just 'nasty little girls' who are wanting to have sex, we need to blame the boys for this too. The only way to really prevent it, seeing as education isn't working, is to lock up teenagers and put chastity belts on them.

I don't think the nasty pictures of STD's work, because they show all those at my highschool sex ed, and teenagers are still having sex. They know that the only way to catch STD's is through intercourse, so they aren't worried if the person they choose to sleep with is a virgin or has only had sex with people who are virgins.
Peer pressure might work. Just start saying 'being a pregnant teen just is not cool. it is so 5 minutes ago. Not the thing this year. ';

Let your girl friends know that you think getting pregnant is about the dumbest thing a girl could do and always, always tell girls you know are already having sex that they must use Two kinds of birth control. They must be on the pill or injection and still use condoms. You must stress STD's and ask your school administrators for a 'baby think it over' class.

Be disapproving and scornful about girls getting pregnant. ';She so did not have to do that. They could have waited till they were out of school and could support themselves. Waiting is better.';

Education about sex in general, and all the kinds of birth control including abstinence, should be taught from the 6th grade though 12th grade. It should be a mandatory class too. Twice a week all during middle school, once a week in HS but mandatory.

If the students start asking for sex education classes it will make a huge difference. So ask, go to the school board meeting too and ask for sex education classes that teach all types of birth control. Petition your school administrators. Write the Governor and the State Legislators. IF the Students ask for it and keep asking it will happen.
Ugh me too. But you have to think of the one's who didn't mean too. Some you can tell but some it's like, well you know. Like I am 15 and I'm pregnant but I didn't mean to do it. I had sex once, I hated it and probably won't do it for a while. We used a condom and I still got pregnant and I am keeping my baby because it wasn't his or her fault I got pregnant so I won't kill him/her. The parents now a days always seem to be MIA.
It begins with the parents.

If the parents don't teach them to have decency and self respect, where will they learn it? Lohan? Hilton?

Too many babysitters and tv.

The moms need to teach them what they've learned and the dads need to teach them what younf boys really think of girls that are spreading at a young age.
Am a teen but I totally agree this baby popping needs to stop. The first answer has a cool suggestion but that won't still stop them. Like we had people came to our school and talked abt stds and everything. Am like not a good girl or anything like that am actually a very bad girl but am waiting till marriage am no way getting AIDS or a baby. I got scared abt some of the stuff they were saying but some of the people from my school didn't get anything from it and could care less and they got babies so I think its gonna be this way and soon its gonna be accepted by society and in the future its sadly gonna be okay for teens to have babies
well, i read a series of manga that had these types of issues. the series is called Deep Love and it was based on something else, i forgot. however, it's 4 stories of 4 individuals whose lives are connected by forms of love, and burdened with despair, suffering, etc. 2 of the stories made me cry. shhhh!!!!! anyway, you could send them a link and have them read it. you can read it too, but keep some tissues handy.
I agree. its disgusting.

many girls WANT a baby! They think it will ';fix'; their relationship problems with their boyfriend, or that it will somehow force him to marry her ASAP.

Look at how many girls are here asking ';OMG? Am I pregnant? How do I tell my parents?? They are sooo gonna kill me!';.. you have to wonder.. ';why didnt you think of this BEFORE you had sex???';

Alot of kids have false ideas on preventing pregnancy.. they think there is a ';safe'; time frame during their menstrual cycle.. they also think that pulling out is a good method of birth control. They just dont want to believe it can happen to them!

Having sex with a virgin doesnt guarantee anything either. Think about it.. everyone was a virgin at one time.. diseases come from SOMEWHERE! Some people are born with AIDS and Hepatitis! Some people also LIE about being a virgin.
umm its their choice on what they want to do... you cant tell them anything. yeaa they are having kids younger and younger these days but my mom had me at 14 and shes a great mother. and im 14 now and im in a relationship and im sexually active with him. i use protection everytime and im on the pill and im not pregnant :) there not nasty girls they just made the decision to have sex. and now there paying the consequence... having a baby.
It's up to the parents to enforce it, up to the school to teach it - sex ed. Schools need to provide birth control (and protection overall) because otherwise our population is going to skyrocket.

Since people mostly don't believe in abortions (- be pro choice!) there are a lot of teens having children.

It's stupid, but its part of our culture... pop culture. But really we need to supply them with info and protection. Simple as that.
it is a babyboom in the making. the schools could make rules about not allowing girls who are pregnant to attend classes with other students, and keep them all together or somehow shun them from activities and maybe girls will reconsider their actions if honestly thinking of the future.
Get a large group of these former teen know-it-alls who have had children to get the current teen know-it-alls to babysit their children for just one day. However, I wouldn't trust most of these kids with my child, seeing how they are irresponsible children themselves.
well, all we can do is show them how hard it is.

Andd get them on birth control, cause they have this whole idea that if they get pregnant they'll start a family and all tht other stuff. It's hard to prevent a fantasy
I agree with you! I've learned that we can't do anything about it, so I'd just stay away from the preggies and hang out with people who have better things to do. Eventually they'll have no friends.
I know man!... When school started last week at least 5 girls came back pregnant! *cough* sluts.

i think they should have to pay a fine for having babies at like freaking 15 years old! ahaha :)
it think with education and parents help we can lower it but there are son girls who will think it will never happen to them and sometime dumb luck gets in the way
show them nasty pictures of exaggerated std's lol
Easy dont have sex or use a condom
not having sex?

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