lmfao ahhaha.
truthh or daree is always a good one..
hahah well if u guys are real teens
u wouldntneed to ask... u will findddd something fun to do haha u wouldnt have to ask
ur prob likeee 12 err something..What to do at a teenage halloween party?
You could consider a Halloween themed treasure hunt. Check out http://www.mastersofthehunt.com/hallowee鈥?/a> for a ';Haunted Hunt'; that was designed to be held during an adult or teen Halloween party. It is professionally designed with cool graphics and will add a whole new element to your party. Guests compete in a clever hunt that incorporates puzzles and challenges, some utilizing the party d茅cor, while still allowing guests to mingle and have fun with the other elements of the party.
There's a game where you get people to stand in a line.
You need an orange or apple.
You have to pass the orange from person to person, but not using your hands.You are allowed one drop. If you drop it again, you're out.
Most people find a way to tuck the orange under their chin and the next person has to use their chin to get it from them...it's up close and personal, but fun! You can pass the fruit between your knees to each other too, get creative. Last person standing wins.
First you need Dry ice you can find in phone book or a good grocery store.You add to poweraid,koolaid,applejuice.Nothing already carbonated the ice does it for you the smoke is so cool no matter what age.Then you need to go to %26lt;buypumpkinteeth.com%26gt; Get some teeth and put in watermelon.Put teeth close enought to hold in candy or fresh fruit it makes a cool display.And dont forget to use some in pumpkins they are the hit of the party!! since they are not in stores yet!Then play pass spagetti for intestines and small hard boiled eggs for eyes etc.While you tell a scary story in the dark.My mom did this when we were kids and 30 yrs later i still remeber!Good luck and happy halloween....Order soon we ship same day!!so theres still time....bob
Your could play solve the mystery. Get a black box. write a few clues of what's inside and have everyone guess. make sure to put an halloween item. or also name the costume. kinda like picturenary but instead you give clues of other people's costume.
Dress up, hide and seek, light saber wars. While you're at it, you should make a fort.
You're never too old for kiddy games.
Spin the bottle
7 minutes in heaven
Truth or dare
Hide N seek x)
Anything fun for halloweee, Eeeeks I love halloween :D
Spin the bottle is good. I would try a murder mystery. Take some dates and make it fun. I would also try a pumpkin carving/painting contest.
Make out on the couch, get a scary move, something around that.
have a retro theme and play old fashioned games
make out most likely, thats all teenagers ever do at party's right?
Dude, just put on some good music and bring the house down, chip... LOTS OF THEM. Pop, and dance the night away.
okayy so, spin the bottle :O
pin the tail on the donkey
well to make it fun... alcohol!!
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