I believe to wait for marraige, is there any other teens out there who are like that any more??because im starting to feel all alone in this!!Plus about teenage pregnancy i rather have teenagers give birth to the babys then abortion
2 question.what is your say on abortion?Do you think teenage pregnancy is to common now?
I also believe in waiting until marriage to have sexual intercourse, and children. I'm 100% pro-life so I would much rather see the teenagers take responsibility for their actions/put the child up for adoption, whatever is the best option for them. My sister got pregnant in highschool, and the only thing I could do was support her, she now has a beautiful 2 year old son %26amp; she's a fantastic mother. Just because I believe in waiting until marriage, doesn't mean I don't think teenagers can turn into wonderful parents, it just isn't the best situation to be put in.Do you think teenage pregnancy is to common now?
well for one i dont really believe in teenage pregnancy. the rate of teenage girls getting pregnant now adays is so high.... its crazy. i dont think girls understand the use of birth control pills or having the guy always use a condom. i know that sometimes they dont work, and yes it results in pregnancy but what about the girls/guys who just refuse to use protection?? And i dont believe in the fact that teenage girls are using abortion as a form of birth control either. i believe abortion is ok when you are a victim of rape, incest, it poses a serious (even death) health risk to the mother, or the baby would have severe birth defects.
Pregnant teenagers have higher rates of maternal mortality, toxemia, and anemia. They also have more complications at birth. If a teenager keeps her baby, as the majority of teens do, she may find herself with few support services. Lack of childcare often forces teenagers with children to drop out of school, making it harder for them to get decent jobs to support themselves and their families. The health of their babies also suffers. Infants born to teenagers have a higher rate of infant mortality, are more likely to be premature, and have a higher rate of birth injury, low birth weight, and neurological defects.
i believe you should wait til you are financially and mentally stable enough to have a baby. if you cant live on your own and support yourself, then you shouldnt be trying to have a baby now. you should wait. im not saying you have to wait til you are married. but you should wait until you can support yourself and a baby... plus pay all your own bills.
Well, I live on an Indian reservation, and Teenage Pregnancy is VERY common..probably because it's so rural and influential out here..in fact I have 3 gal friends that have sons, and their all under the age of 17, and then I have two guy friends that have kids. 1 is about to begin his senior year of high-school and the other just graduated this may..-
but regardless, I still haven't had sex- Personally to me, I don't think sex HAS to wait till marriage, but I do think it should only be done when the person is ready, educated on practices of sex, and of course- most importantly- that they choose to do it with some one whom they love.
Abortion....I mostly lean towards the side that is against it, but on certain levels, i kind-of stand at a line-point. I don't believe that a woman should have an abortion just because she was stupid enough to get pregnant and doesn't want her baby,
But I DO think that particular situations such as life-threatening situation- may call for an abortion in order to save the mother's life. But If I had to choose beetween My babies life and My own? I would give my baby my own life, just so he may live.
The reason you feel alone is because you're wise in your thinking and wisdom is rare in society, today.
You're definitely not alone, though. By your choice, you're protecting yourself from a great deal of heartache and disappointment.
As for abortion ~ That's a loaded subject. In 99% of cases I consider it murder. Obviously, there are rare and bizarre circumstances that blanket judgements simply cannot cover. (ie, incestual rape).
Rape in general is often used as an argument by pro-abortionists, however, even though less than 2% of all abortions are on account of rape.
Teeange pregnancy rates have actually been going down. But there have always been teen pregnancies. There will continue to be teenage pregnancies. Its not going to stop completely.
Its great for you that you are waiting until marriage. You will never have to worry about it, will you? I didn't wait until marriage but I have no regrets. I married the man I first had sex with and we are still married 9 years later.
Don't bring abortion into your question. It's better suited for the politics board. I say nothing on the topic if I can at all help it.
Pre-marital Sex is always a dangerous thing in all ,aspects. The complications and the contra-indications various and different. No sensible human being can approve Pre-Marital Sex with its all the bad points like illegal pregnancy, incurable deceases, unwanted abortions with all its bodily and mentally troama, etc.
Yes Abortion: besides it being a physical attrocity to the self, it is a GREAT SIN, to murder a HELPLESS LIVING BEING in its early stage.
I am 18 years old, I am pro-choice, I had an abortion when I was younger and I believe and so do many others that I made the right choice for my life, I regret it everyday but I am glad I made that choice because of the position and the man I am with now who will be a great father. I am engaged to be married.
( I know young ) and we live in our own place. We were going to wait to get married, we know were going to be together forever, and I don't need a ring to know that, marriage isn't for some people, I know a lot of people who have been together for a great deal of amount of time and are not going to get married but they have kids and live the '; married life '; just not with papers. Of course we want to get married but right now its not in the cards for us, we are planning for the next 8 months , I am 6 weeks pregnant.
I believe its more common. Now, I didn't completely wait for marriage. I did get pregnant before I got married, but getting married was in the works before I got pregnant. :) I wasn't a teenager either...
I also believe abortion should not be used as a form of birth control! Everyone has their reasons, and the only ones that really really make me mad is when they use it for that. Health reasons, other reasons, thats one thing, I couldn't do it, but birth control!! AHHH ... :) Anyway - There was my little vent for the day!
Good for you on waiting. I am not a teenager or a mother of teenagers yet, mine are 2 and 4. But I am going to teach them that your body is yours and is a gift that you only get one of. Sharing yourself with your mate for the first time is something that is so precious and wonderful that it should wait for marriage. Besides look what you get to miss out on,.... unwanted babies, STD's and oh yeah the stigma of being ';easy'; or ';loose';. Aren't those great things to miss out on!
2. My views on abortion are mine and not anyone elses, they are the same way I feel about a women's body, it her body and her choice. It is not mine to make for her or anybody.
P.S. as with other posts here, I do NOT belive that abortion should be used as a form of birth control, that is wrong in all ways.
abortion is sick
there are people in the world who cant have children
and people who can are going to abort
why cant they put them up for adoption t atleast give a couple who can have kids a chance you know?
but thats what i believe in i dont expect everyone too think like me
everyones different
It's better than it was. When I was in high school it was so bad in my town they actually built a nursery on campus and adjusted schedules so the mothers could have at least one period a day going and learning how to be mothers. It's still too high, but as long as you can support your child I don't think it really matters.
hi there. im not a teenager but im in my 20s, so i guess im a young mommy lol i dont understand HOW someone could have abortion. abortion+murder. i mean if you killed a baby as soon as it was born youd be a ';murderer'; right? whats the difference in having an abotrion a few months earlier? NO difference. hey keep up those morals!!! you arent the only one =]
Yes. Way too common. And, not just teenage pregnancy, but pregnancy before marriage in general.
And, I believe in choice. The way to stop abortion is to stop unwanted pregnancy. The way to stop that is through education and empowerment.
i absolutley believe teenage pregnancy is running rampid!
But thats todays world...no more doind things by the book (Bible)
abortion is an easy way out for a lot of people.
oh..p.s. sex after marriage...married for 7 years and now having #1BB (planned) - had to have our fun first...bonded us forever.
ya not many out there that believe what you believe i do for one but its very common now teenage pregnancy and no one seems to care how it effects people. abortion is murder if people researched it before they had it done no one would do it.
i think marriage is over rated there are many happy couples with babys and there not married a no a heck ov a lot of ppl who marry have children and split and are married ,i think it depends on the couple not on a marriage!!!
all too common now a days and sad that they feel more comfortable confiding in strangers on yahoo answers than with
their own loved ones
They should put baby up for adoption if they decide not to keep
for themselves!
I think teenage pregnancy goes in spurts. It's just more accepted than it used to be so it might seem more common.
i know a few.
Why wait for marriage? Sorry, but you can get married and divorsed nowadays as quickly as anything, so what committment is marriage nowadays really? Shouldn't your priority be to be with someone who you love and think would make a good father. My mum got married to my dad who was a drunken wife beater before she had me. But at least she was married eh??
Marry them, whatever, don't care, but what really bothers me is people like you who think that waiting for marriage is the proper and right thing to do, and anyone else who doesn't do what you consider ';right'; is wrong full stop, and that's just sooo not the case. I know you're young so remember this, concentrate on the person rather than marriage. Make sure he's right for being a father!
As for teenagers thinking the same as you do, yes there are teenagers out there who do, my cousin does for one, so you're not alone nor special. Although it is refreshing to have teenagers out there who are prepared to wait for that perfect someone and who recognise they are not mature enough to have children.
And also maybe your view on abortion is a bit obscured too. I mean, i don't one hundred per cent agree with it, but you have to look at the wellfare of the child. And yes, i'm probably going to get a lot of thumbs down for this next comment, but i'd rather that, than IRRESPONSIBLE teenagers who are not prepared to be parents make the sensible decision NOT to have the baby, rather than bring another unwanted child into this world that will miss out on things, get mistreated and generally suffer. There are enough children out there who are not wanted by their parents, who have ether chosen to keep them or have given them up for adoption. How do you think that makes the child feel, knowing that their parents didn't want them?
But each to their own. No one is right on this subject, and no one is wrong. I just wish that people were not so judgemental!
Also, could I just point out that the rate of teenagers getting pregnant is going up, but then so is the rate of mothers having kids later in life, which pose just as much health risks as a 15 year old, probably more (in fact, you're at a higher risk of miscarriage and preterm labour if you're under 18 or over 35!). Nature is giving us women longer to live. And a new study has shown that younger mothers make better mothers (don't shoot the messenger!). People are so down on teenage mothers, but what about the mothers out there who are fifty and having kids? Is there anything better about being 50 and a new mum than 18?
As for people saying you don't BELIEVE in teenage pregnancy, how stupid is that. It's not a matter of believing, it happens, it's there, and actually i know some people who have had kids as young as 15 who make fantastic mothers, and quite a few older mothers who make crap ones!