Thursday, December 31, 2009

How to make Teenage Pregnancy more aware to people?

Im doing a project and i need some ideas on how people could become more aware of the situation of teenage pregnancy!

any ideas ?xHow to make Teenage Pregnancy more aware to people?
Ya know a few weeks ago I went to a party,,, and there was a 13 year old girl there with a fake baby and a carriage, carseat,,, the whole 9,,,, this things was soooooo life liek she has to feed really change diapers,,, laod the baby in the car and stroller,,,,, i think thats a great idea. and even had to hold it almost the whole time so it wouldnt cry!!!!!How to make Teenage Pregnancy more aware to people?
Im not sure why we need to be aware of it....unless you are the parent or guardian of a sexually active teen...its really not an issue that awareness is going to solve.

All the education in the world doesnt seem to prevent kids from having sex before they are emotionally and physically ready to deal with the consequences.

Parents should be aware of THEIR childrens activities...but being aware of the society as a isnt our place really.

Its called being responsible for yourself.
I think we're all pretty aware.

Maybe you could do a project on how we can help prevent teenage pregnancies?
If you mean the situation people get themselves into:

Highlight the responsibilities, the loss of freedom, the cost of a child. Make it clear it isn't slutty to carry condoms. Perhaps mention the life a baby of a teenage mother can have (obviously this doesn't apply to all teenage mothers) but some wouldn't be able to have everything other children can have (based on financial situations).

Perhaps as a follow up or further project 'handling the consequences of teenage pregnancy' and the options options there are now; abortion, adoption, keeping the child...

I think elminating myths (you can't get pregnant standing up, if you take a shower afterwards, if its your first time, if you havn't started your periods yet....) is a biggy. I mean, some of the things you hear are just stupid!

Well im 17...18 next friday and im 17 weeks not going to lie i wasnt on the pill but i did use condoms. and i wasnt aware at all...but im very happy about this situation and im not dropping out of my studying :) unlike teenagers who no what they are doing. drop out of school, live of benefits and such and such
People are AWARE of the situation. It's just that they are not doing all they can to prevent it.

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