Monday, December 28, 2009

What would a teenage soon to be father normally have to pay for the child?

my girlfriend is pregnant with my child. we want to keep it. but we want to know the financial part of it before we make our final decision. i am 14 she is 15. and we have no idea what to doWhat would a teenage soon to be father normally have to pay for the child?
Child support is about 1/3 of your income until the child is 18. I'm not sure if you'll have to pay now but you will have to pay when you turn 18.

I hope your relationship goes well, but people do grow and change a lot between 14 and adulthood. You guys might have completely different lives and interests when you're 25 or 30. It can happen that you two stay together forever but most people do not end up with the person they went out with at age 14/15.

I would consider the following whenmaking your decision:

- Where will you two live with your child in a few years? I am assuming you will be living with your parents until you're 18 but after that you are an adult with a family, so you'll need your own place. I would search Craig's List in your town to see what the average rent for an apartment in your area goes for. Make up a pretend budget. Add car payments and gas expenses, auto insurance (ask your parents what they pay, then add a little more because younger drivers have to pay a higher insurance premium), groceries for three people, utilities, (utilities means your heat, electric bill, water, cable bill if you watch TV and use the internet), cell phone bill if you have one, now add baby food, diapers, clothing health care for the baby, and day care costs.

- Most full time jobs that a teenager can get without a college degree or a good vocational training program do not pay enough for a single person to live comfortably on their own, never mind supporting a family. You might be able to scrape by in a really cheap area where the cost of living is low but otherwise you may be caught in a welfare trap. What are you and your girlfriend's career plans? Ask yourself if you'll be realistically able to go to college or complete a training program in your field of choice while taking care of a baby full time. A minimum wage job is great for a teenager but you don't want to be still stuck working at one when you are grown up with bills to pay, those kinds of jobs just don't cut it.

- Child care - Do you have a plan for who is going to watch the child every day while you guys finish high school, and hopefully go on to college? Keep in mind that you will have to be working a lot in addition to your classes. Books, tuition, car expenses and auto insurance are major expenses for teenagers with part time jobs. Most jobs you can get at age 15 or 16 pay minimum wage (cashiering, salesperson at the mall, bus boy or waiter...all good jobs for teenagers but they don't pay a lot) Day care is very expensive, adult working households with two parents working pretty good middle class jobs often have trouble affording child care. Did one of your parents volunteer to stay home and provide child care for your baby, for free? Some teenage parents are lucky and have that option, but if your parents have their own jobs you'll be paying for full time day care. I would definitely call the local day cares and get pricing and see if that is something that is affordable to you.

- Keep in mind that this baby won't stay a baby...he or she will be about six years old when you are still barely 21. You will either be finishing up college or if you choose a trade you will probably still be an apprentice just starting out not making much money yet. Now the child will be in school and asking to join youth hockey, ballet, karate, piano lessons, etc. These things cost a lot of money. He will need nice clothes for school, a lot more expensive than little footie pajamas for infants. He will be invited to birthday parties for classmates and have to bring a gift. He'll want a bike and the video games and toys that all his friends have, lunch money, money for field trips, trips to the movies with friends, etc. Not saying you have to spoil him and buy him everything, but I am assuming you want to be able to provide some of these sorts of things for your child so he or she can have a comfortable childhood.

I would definitely work up a mock budget with the costs of all these basic expenses before you make your decision.

What would a teenage soon to be father normally have to pay for the child?
Wow you two are so very young. What's done is done. The best thing if your family has given you both support on this issue you'll need to make sure that your there as much as you can be to help care for the child. Children are a rough road and you two haven't even finished school yet. Children are so much more than food, diapers, clothes, laughs and smiles. Medical, dental, school, food, care giving, etc. You have to both be committed for LIFE! Huge decision and you both need to discuss this with the adults in your life who care for you.

Public assistance is an option for you both til' your done with school and both get a job. Road is a hard long one but if you can stick it out a rewarding one. Hugs you'll both need it!!
If you both are going to keep it then all you do is buy the things he needs,but if you two were to get separated then I don't think that you have to pay anyting until you are 18 years old.In other cases if you do choose work when you are less than 18 years old the court will ask you to pay some child support for the child.
oh man. do you ever look back at your previous questions?;鈥?/a>

$10, 000 is the average hospital bill for having a baby. If there is any NICU time, it can go up to $500,000.

Have lots and lots of baby showers!
Half of what it costs for medical care and care of the child.

I guess children run about 10 grand a year.. as an estimate..

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