Monday, December 28, 2009

Do you or would you allow your pre-teenage daughter to wear eyeliner or other cosmetics to school or in public

Im prohibited to wear eyeliner and wanted to convince my dad to let me wear it again.

In order to do that i need to show him evidence about why i shoud be able to wear it.


Do you allow your daughter to wear eyeliner or other cosmetics in school or in public?

Why or why not?Do you or would you allow your pre-teenage daughter to wear eyeliner or other cosmetics to school or in public
I don't have a daughter but for me, it would depend on the age of my girl. I might allow her to wear it when she's small (7-11) just for fun but I would probably be the one putting it on and I can guarantee it wouldn't be much. Honestly, I don't think they need it that young. I would probably let her start doing it herself and wearing it to school when she's 12 or something. I would only step in if I felt like she was in danger of looking way older than she really was or, well, if she looked like a streetwalker. I wouldn't force my opinions on her, though. I think it's good for girls to get exposure to that kind of thing. I never really wore makeup, not because I wasn't allowed but I just don't have time in the mornings. I kind of wish I had more experience in making myself look presentable.Do you or would you allow your pre-teenage daughter to wear eyeliner or other cosmetics to school or in public
yeah. ive been allow to wear make up since 11 or 12 but i recently started wearing it now(im 14) i just found no need to wear it but alot of my friends wore it.

i feel i look better without make up!

do natural looking make up (eyeshadow)

dont put to much on so you wont look hoeish

good luck!!!
I would never i would say thats to young

even if its cool or not
My daughter was 14 before she wore any makeup (she's 25 now). Pre-teen, NEVER!

Why not? You are WAY TOO YOUNG and you don't need it. You have natural beauty and young skin.

I have 2 nieces that wore lots of makeup at a young age. They both indicated that it messed up their skin and now they HAVE to wear makeup to cover up the damage they caused themselves. They are in their 30s and wished they hadn't worn so much makeup.
My mother didn't allow me to wear any make-up until I was 13 - and then it was only pink lip gloss, very light eye shadow, and clear mascara. Liner wasn't allowed until highschool.

Kids today are in a rush to look way older than they should be. If I do have children, I will take the same precautions my mother did. Some of these young girls don't realize how foolish they look with all the stuff they put on their face.

Try compromising with your dad. Purchase a very light color and ask him if you can try it on around the house. If you get something that doesn't stand out, he may be more open to the idea.
i've been wearing makeup all my life since like 5th grade

like i didnt wear a lot just once in a while

but whats the big deal? get over it its just makeup!!

i mean if its wayy too much i understand but a little, seriously parents need to get over it

theres nothing wrong with it.

its doesn't too anything.

you can wash it off.
Yes, because its their choice and if it makes them feel good about themselves, why not?

If your dad wont let you, comprimise. Just ask to wear lipgloss first.... then maybe a little while later talk about some mascara or natural eyeshadow and stuff.

If he still wont agree, tell him it makes you feel better about yourself and that you wont overdo it :)
My mom let me use makeup whenever I wanted.

Just not a whole lot, just lip gloss or blush. She even got me one of those little girl's make up kits :]

I was a very girly little girl.

And I turned out fine.

But listen to your parents, it will show your maturity and they will be more inclined to allow you to use makeup in the future.

If its eye liner they don't allow ask if mascara would be okay since it's not at dramatic.


Also, when you start wearing makeup, make sure to ALWASE wash it off with face wash before bed or else you WILL get pimples, especially because of puberty.
some little girls just look really i mean really stupid wearing make up especially eye liner you can tell they're like 11 or 12! they shouldn't be wearing any, period! at that age you don't know how to fix yourself, they think they look good but they look silly! sorry
yeahh my mom lets me!!!!!!!!!!!
eyeliner is ok but not for school in public it is fine though the reason im saying no for the school is because you are there to learn not to look good but it is okay to look good anyways :P if your trying to impress a guy... guys dont look at what is on your eyes they either look at your body parts or like you for who you are
if you get a color that matches your eyelashes than it is fine. for example if you have blond hair don't get black eyeliner. get a lighter shade of brown. all it does is emphasize your eyes. what's so bad about that?

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