Monday, December 28, 2009

What would be a good place to publish a book, being that I am a teenage writer?

Do you know of any good agencies that would like to publish writing by younger authors?What would be a good place to publish a book, being that I am a teenage writer?
At a book store or the library there is a book that is called';The Writters Digest-2005';, or any recent year. Every writer has one, because it has priceless information in it. It will tell you to contact publishers and ask them what they are looking for, tell them what you already have. Once you can paper a wall with rejection slips, you'll be ready. You can also have it checked out by a critic, and they will tell you the good and the bad. You will learn so much from all this stuff that seems so discouraging, but never give up, never. Offer to write for a small paper for free. It will get you published. Most publishers wont even consider you unless you've been published. Take every english and creative writing class there is.What would be a good place to publish a book, being that I am a teenage writer?
It can depend on the type of book you've written if its fictional scholastic or penguin books have business in most aspects and age groups reguarding this. The Other two suggestions I can make to help is asking your local librarian, they keep up on some of the bigger publishers to get and maintain books and may know which ones publish your type of book (they also can be good editors if they're interested enough). If that doesn't pan out look through your library for twenty books like yours and see who published them ask the librarian if they know of any written by teenage writers as you pick them.
college/school newsletter is often a good place to start
I would try contacting your nearest 826 organization, look them up online and find out if there's one in your area. 826 is a non-profit writing organization and it's a really great place for stuff like that. Good luck!!
The newspaper club in school that is what i was in.
i really dont know...but you should try to look for some books that are about teens and arte written for teens and look up their publishers because you books are mosdt likely going to apply to teens right? so look for the publisher that publishes the most teen books that you read and by the way, if you find a publisher that can help publish the works of a teen writer, tell me...
I would suggest sending your book to all different publishers like Scholastic.
try scholastic
barnes and nobeles (ur smart)
There are a lot of good books at the libreary that can help you find what you're looking for. And if you want, you get get an agent and hopefully submit it to big house publishers. Or you could self-publish, which means you make the book yourself or pay someone a flat fee to make it, it's up to you. Good luck.
Go to

It is a self publishing site and can be quite useful.
go to new york times thay publish books

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