Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Should the US election be impacted by a teenage pregnancy?

I can't believe how many huge headlines there are over this.Should the US election be impacted by a teenage pregnancy?
Not any more than the issue of race, but that's how this country runs. We make huge deals of things that don't matter.Should the US election be impacted by a teenage pregnancy?
In a way, it does show a little that Palin can't even bring her moral values to her own family, making it even more cringeworthy when she starts talking about making moral issues into law.

It shouldn't be as huge as it is though, and I feel sorry for her poor daughter who never asked to be dissected like this.
NO.But its going to be.This issue will not just go away.In many families across America this is a fact of life,it shouldn't be but it is.There are no easy or good answers for everyone.Because everyone is different and have different beliefs.Two things stand out strongly,McCain should not of choose her at this time in her life and she should not have accepted.You have to want politics very badly to drag your children thur mud like this.
It should not affect the outcome of the US presidential election. Some people start having sex at a younger age than others. It is a personal decision and it is a private family matter.

This situation should not be politicized by either campaign. I am curious to see which side, if either, politicizes this issue.
Crazy. They didn't even give a shat when Obama hung out at that crazy church. Took them a year and that was only because the video was released on You Tube. And they sat on the John Edwards affair too.
No, it shouldn't; but at this point in the election they are going to pull out all the stops in attacking each other for everything they can.
The problem is not Bristol being pregnant, but her mother throwing her to the wolves. Shows a SERIOUS lack of judgment on her part, and on McCain's.
Is this actually a question asked by an adult, thanks for that. And I think the only people that are making a deal about this are the children on this site.
I agree. There are some major issues on the table and yet the place is full of people acting a families personal crisis.
You know what Bill, it should. It should make the hypocrites trying to make her look bad look worse.
It is the Liberal swift boat, except it is TRUE.
no I don't see this as news... unless her daughter has an abortion.
Sarah Palin is a rotten, incompetent mother who wasn't paying attention while someone was laying pipe in her daughter. Maybe she thought it was an oil company and that was a good thing. Anyway, someone that inept should not be a heartbeat from the presidency.

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